Salary increase for teachers and ATA: how much and since when. Azzolina would start from the teachers



In Italy, teachers need significant seniority to achieve modest salary increases: salaries can only increase by about 50% after 35 years of service. In contrast, in Ireland, the Netherlands and Poland, teachers’ starting salaries can even increase by more than 60% in the first 15 years of service, and even more in subsequent years.

Certifying what insiders know as fact is the Eurydice network on the occasion of the last World Teachers’ Day celebrated on October 5.

Salary increase for teachers and ATA: how much?

Minister Azzolina, like his other predecessors, is in favor of an adjustment of the salaries of Italian teachers to Europeans

“I would like to adjust the salaries of teachers to those of Europe, starting with teachers. ” said in a recent interview

The 2021 Budget Law, drawn up by the government and now under review by Parliament, has allocated an additional 400 million euros for the renewal of the contract for public employees.

The funds are provided for in the draft prepared by the government and are in addition to the resources already allocated by article 1, paragraph 436, of Law 145/2018: 1,100 million euros for the year 2019, 1,750 million euros for the year 2020 and 3,375 million euros per year from 2021. The 400 million will increase the financial allocation from 2021 onwards.

Long and complex calculations lead to saying that it will be 40-50 euros more each. But the health emergency situation requires options, as confirmed by the Budget Law of Premier Conte, Conte: “Renewal of AP contracts? VAT numbers suffer “

But for teachers, the figure could be even lower, as it will be necessary to apply identical percentage regardless of the initial amount of wages. And given that salaries in the school world are among the lowest in public service, it is reasonable to expect an even lower figure.

So the increases, in addition to being less than expected, are not even around the corner.

After the budget law, in fact, the process will have to start for each sector and it is not certain that school and education are among the priorities.

