On the morning of December 25, Russian police ransacked the Moscow home of Lyubov Sobol, a close opponent of Alexei Navalny, and detained her for questioning. The news was spread by Navalny himself and by the activist network linked to him, according to which the police intervened against Sobol for his attempt to speak with Konstantin Kudryavtsev, the alleged agent of the FSB (the Russian security services) who deceived Navalny , had confessed to the poisoning that occurred last summer.
On August 20, Navalny collapsed while on a plane leaving the Siberian city of Tomsk and heading to Moscow. The plane landed in the nearest city, Omsk, where Navalny was admitted to intensive care. After a period of coma in a Berlin hospital, he recovered.
According to FBK, the Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation, the search began at 7 this morning (when it was 5 in Italy): after which the opponent’s phone was switched off and she was taken away, while daughter was released. Sobol had gone to the apartment where he thought Kudryavtsev lived on Monday night, but had not been able to speak to him. On that occasion, she had been arrested and held for six hours in a police station; then he told the news agency French Media Agency for fear that she was being investigated.
Police entered Lyubov Sobol’s apartment https://t.co/3DK161t9BQ
– Alexey Navalny (@navalny) December 25, 2020
Sobol is a lawyer and had announced her candidacy in next year’s parliamentary elections.