Rules of the yellow zone: what changes in 7 days in Emilia Romagna and Marche – Chronicle


Bologna, November 28, 2020 – Always there, there in the middle. From a life as a midfielder to a life as orange zone, Ligabue does not need to sing the permanence of theEmilia romagna and of Market in the ‘middle zone’ probably until December 3, with all the restrictions that this entails. The good news is that, however, the step back with a lot of yellow brushstroke seems already settled, as of December 4, when the new Dpcm government will come into force. In short, just under a week and a return to the past, backed by an adequate epidemiological data Faced with the death of the Coronavirus epidemic, it will lead to a relaxation of restrictions due to the improvement of 21 indicators that measure the risk of the different regions.

However, according to this criterion, some territories as of tomorrow the color and the rules will change, from the passage of Lombardy red to orange. With her, the Minister of Health hope Then he indicated the same decrease in color gradation also for Piedmont me Calabria. From Sunday they will return to yellow from orange Liguria me Sicily, as long as they are confirmed in the red zone at least until December 3 Tuscany me Campania. As toEmilia romagna me Market, finally no variation for Friuli Venezia Giulia, still orange. But starting next Friday, how will things change?

From the orange to the yellow zone: that’s what changes

The passage, or rather the return to the yellow zone, will first of all involve the reopening of Pub, restaurants and similar public establishments from 5 am to 6 pm, effectively lifting the limitation on 24-hour takeout service only.

It will no longer be necessary thereself certification for movements within the region and in fact the prohibition to change municipality is lifted except for reasons of necessity. On the other hand, self-certification will continue to be necessary in the case of traveling to a region with a higher degree of risk and always and only for verified urgent needs.

It will remain in force on curfew, with prohibition to go from 10pm to 5am except for proven exceptionality. Museums and exhibitions, festivals and the like have been closed and will remain. On the other hand, motor activities and outdoor sports will be allowed once again without limit of movement between municipalities or proximity to the home.

Always at 50% of the capacity public transport and still 100% dad for high school and college students.

Towards Christmas: the hypotheses

During the evaluations launched this morning by the Government with a view to the Dpcm of December 4, the crucial point is obviously the saving of Christmas without running into the dreaded ‘free all’. Therefore, the main hypotheses considered speak of restaurants are also closed at Christmas and San Esteban me movements between regions limited to residents. However, it is not excluded that ad hoc measures are also taken for hot days such as Christmas me New Year. The battle according to government funding would then be played in the reopening of secondary schools, with the Regions opposing the green light as early as December.

I shops instead they could be open until 9pm to avoid crowds and the same curfew It could be brought forward an hour, at 11 at night, although the most accredited hypothesis is the extension of the same, from 10 to 6 in the morning, no longer at 5. The no to private parties in public places is obviously categorical and for guests at home the suggestion should not be more than 6/8 people.

The reopening of the ski resorts, with a speech that also depends on the options of the EU and could force lovers of Montana wait until after Epiphany.
