Rules about accounts change: there is a risk that payments will stop


In a few days, companies and individuals with checking accounts will need to be very careful. As of January, in fact, the rules for the management of “red” accounts have changed: after the entry into force of the new rules dictated byEba, the European Banking Authority, automatic debits will no longer be allowed if customers do not have enough cash in their bank deposits. To report this in a document that is being published is the Centro de Estudios de A company who explained how with these rules there is the risk of a sudden interruption in the payments of public services, salaries, social security contributions and loan installments. In the absence of funds that can cover the payment, the bank blocks it and cancels the relative Rid (Direct Interbank Relationship).

But the bad news doesn’t stop there. Because the text also highlights another important change to take into account to avoid unpleasant surprises: after three months of defaults of just 100 euros, European regulations require the bank to inform the client to the risk center and classify all their exposure as ” bad credits. “

“The new regulatory framework, which has not been sufficiently explained by the banks, is worrying”, He attacked Except Politino, vice president of Unimpresa, who explained how “Even small infractions will no longer be possible.” According to Politino this will cause problems “many artisans, merchants, small businessmen and also for many families” they will not be able to “more to take advantage of those small forms of flexibility that, especially in this very critical phase due to the economic effects of the Covid pandemic, are essential to meet the payments of public services or other obligations, such as salaries and social security contributions, loan and mortgage installments “.

The vice president of Unimpresa stressed that with these rules “there is a risk of a very strong grip credit, an inevitable consequence of the reports to the credit registry and the reclassification of loans to clients in case of small arrears ”. The document also highlights that starting in January, whoever has an uncovered checking account runs the risk “Immediate non-compliance of various subjects, from financial entities to INPS, from employees to so-called companies utility, that is to say, those of energy, gas, water, telephone. A firm reported that “For millions of small and medium-sized companies, therefore, there is the concrete risk not only of a sudden lack of small liquidity, derived from the sudden closure of the accounts in the red, but also of a significant credit crunch.”

Currently, the panorama of the banking sector is not homogeneous. The Centro de Estudios Unimpresa explained that at least in the first phase of application of the EBA regulations, some credit institutions seem to be geared towards applying a softer line, especially towards known clients.
