rubbing children even if they have a runny nose


“Unfortunately, contrary to what was promised in the summer, the territory was not reinforced. Swabs need to be expedited, done quickly, and reported quickly. Instead, there are families everywhere who complain of waiting too long for the test. And they are right. “

This was what Paolo Biasci, president of Fimp, the main pediatricians union, said in an interview with ‘Repubblica’, about the tests necessary for school readmission.

“Fever, cough, headache, muscle aches, cold, but intense. One sneeze is not enough, as some teachers believe, but there must be runny nose and nasal congestion. Gastroenteritis is also a symptom, but even in this case it should not end in a single episode of vomiting or diarrhea, ”he replied about the symptoms.

A runny nose could be another symptom of those infected by coronavirus: “Unfortunately, yes, and I say this because there are many children, especially young ones, who have this problem. The tampon is also provided. “

Pediatricians, Biasci says, should request the test “immediately, as soon as symptoms are reported, and not wait for the problem to evolve. Also because if the symptoms disappear after two days, the swab must be done anyway, otherwise the child does not return to school because the doctor cannot certify that the coronavirus is not there. The certificate must be made “in all the cases we are talking about: as there is a symptom, a tampon is needed. If it’s positive, go your own way. If it is negative, the pediatrician does not issue a certificate, but a certificate in which he claims to have completed the care path ”.

If there are other pathologies, “the certificate is drawn up, says the new ministry circular, in those situations in which there is no symptom of suspicion of Covid, because perhaps there has been a trauma. It will be done in children older than 6 years if the absence exceeds 5 days, and in the youngest if it exceeds 3. But there are regions, ten in total, that have permanently eliminated it ”.
