“Rt is among the lowest”


In the follow-up week from November 16 to 22, “almost all autonomous regions or provinces continue to be classified as high risk of uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic in the territory, or moderate risk with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the coming weeks. in particular, ten are classified as having a high risk of transmission of Sars-CoV-2. “This is what we read in the follow-up draft carried out by the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health.

Regions with high or equivalent high risk are Abruzzo, Calabria (not assessable), Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, the autonomous province of Bolzano, Puglia, Sardinia and Tuscany.

Nine “have been classified as high risk or equated to high risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks”, and “this provides for the adoption of specific measures at the provincial and regional level based on the document ‘Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period ‘transmitted with a circular from the Ministry of Health of 12 October ”.

Meanwhile, conflicting reports are leaking about the rescue of the schools. It is unclear if and how they will reopen from December 9 or after the Christmas holidays on January 9. Pierluigi Lopalco returned to the topic: “So far we have factual data that tells us that the infection has restarted since the reopening of schools and has spread disproportionately in the school-age group: that is, those who went to school were infected more than other groups old “. .

The epidemiologist and health adviser from the Puglia region spoke during the final three-day talk “Waiting for the night” organized by the University of Foggia. “Along with this observation, we have also seen evidence that the second wave of coronavirus was mainly supported by family outbreaks. I am again convinced that the school is too important a social aggregator in times of pandemic. ”

Lopalco added: “By this we do not mean that infections occur in the classroom, but they can occur outside the doors, on the bus, at the bar, when children gather to do their homework. That is why I would continue to keep distance learning as a standard and face-to-face teaching only as a last resort for families who cannot afford to keep children at home. But it is clear that behind this election there are also political evaluations to be made ”.

This morning, however, on Sky Tg24 Michele Emiliano specified that Puglia has a large number of beds in intensive care available for Covid patients (452 ​​and another 70 that can be activated) and reiterated that “we have twelve times more infections from again it has killed more than 500 in the first wave, in Italy infections are 10-11-12 times more than March April ”.

The president highlighted the concept according to which even the scientists would have been surprised by the magnitude of this wave: “Those of the scientific technical committee made us hold the elections in September but we asked to do so in July.”

On the spikes of contagion in recent days, with the contagion rate rt lowered to 1.06%, Emiliano affirms that the region travels 15 days late “because we open schools fifteen days later. I moved them as much as I could because I knew they would be the main reason to reactivate the epidemic.“He concluded.
