Rt index of 0.82 in Umbria. The map of the regions


“A counter-trend sign in the transmission rate reported in the previous two weeks” that occurs “in a European context characterized by a new increase in the number of cases in many European countries and the appearance of viral variants reported with a greater potential transmission” .

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This is how the latest follow-up report (December 21-27) of the government control room on the coronavirus emergency in Italy opens, with data that point to a slight increase in the Rt index in Umbria (from 0.78 in The last week). at 0.82). According to experts, the epidemic in Italy “remains serious due to a high impact on welfare services. Three Regions / HAPPs (Veneto, Liguria, Calabria) have a punctual Rt greater than 1 even at the lowest value, therefore both compatible with a type 2 scenario, another three (Basilicata, Lombardia and Puglia) exceed it in the average value, and another three close (Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche). This, together with the high incidence that is still registers in almost all the territories, it is of special concern and therefore we urge you to consider the application of the foreseen measures, for the levels of risk attributed, even beyond the current deadlines ”.

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In general, the report continues, “the incidence in Italy remains very high and the impact of the epidemic still remains in most of the country. The value is still far from the levels (50 cases per 100,000 in seven days). that would allow to fully reestablish the identification of cases and tracking of their contacts throughout the national territory. This situation confirms the need to maintain over time the line of rigor of the mitigation measures adopted during the Christmas holidays. “

Here are the tabs for the regions …

Emilia romagna
Friuli Venezia Giulia
PA Bolzano
PA Trento
Aosta Valley
