The contagion curve does not decrease. The government would like to avoid a total blockade, but given the difficulty of the moment, with the intensive care it is going to suffer, the strategy can only foresee a forceful and coordinated action with the local administrations.
A week ago, the Rt index stood at 0.99 but exceeded the threshold of 1 in 10 regions. Today the map of Italy will be redefined, which is archived on March 4 with 22,865 infections and the positivity rate of 6.7%, based on data from the Iss-Ministry of Health report on the weekly monitoring of the Covid epidemic -19.
Today’s tracking is very likely to change the color of many territories. They could end up in the red zone as of March 8 in Emilia-Romagna, Campania and Abruzzo. At risk of the orange zone are Calabria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto, while Lazio and Puglia are on the edge. A separate case is that of Lombardy, where the percentage of positivity in tampons has increased from 5% in recent weeks to almost 10% in recent days, while hospitalizations continue to increase.
Lombardy went ahead, having returned from a day with 5,174 infections and 59 deaths, with an ordinance that establishes the reinforced orange zone until March 14: school closed, visits to friends and family prohibited, not moving to second homes, one person per family do shopping. The Commission of Indicators of the Lombardy Region Covid-19, after the analysis of the data carried out, shared the need to overcome the differentiation between areas by taking reinforced mitigation measures for the entire regional territory with the objective, as well as containing the increase in infections , to preserve areas not yet affected by a high incidence ”, explains Governor Attilio Fontana.
Emilia romagna
In Emilia Romagna, President Stefano Bonaccini has already called for a new tightening after the adoption of measures at the local level: “The limitations of the classic orange zone are no longer enough.”
Complex image also in Campania, as certified by the Crisis Unit of the region. The entrance to the red zone is “now inevitable”. The spread of the coronavirus will surely lead to the adoption of more restrictive measures and rules. The Crisis Unit refers to a “strong growth of contagion” that “now makes the red zone inevitable” in the region, read a note. Also in Campania in recent weeks there has been “a very strong increase in positive aspects”, related to the variants, “especially the English one”.
The alarm also goes off in Abruzzo, where there is a “critical situation” in intensive care, as Salvatore Maurizio Maggiore, professor of anesthesia and resuscitation at the University of Chieti and head of the complex anesthesia and resuscitation unit of the Santissima Annunziata hospital in Abruzzo city. “We are in trouble. The situation in numerical terms is worse than in March. We are really on the edge. Compared to March – Maggiore tells Adnkronos Salute – we are more prepared, we have more stable beds, we have more equipment. But the numbers are really important ”.
Lazio, currently in the yellow zone, is among the supervised special regions: “The Rt value is 0.98, deaths are decreasing, new outbreaks are increasing, bed occupancy rates remain stable,” says the councilor for Cheers Alessio D ‘Beloved.
In Veneto, says Governor Luca Zaia, “we have a Rt equal to 1.12. The intensive care occupancy rate is 12% and 14% for the non-critical area. Hospitalization rates remain affordable but we are concerned about the trend and what is happening in the other regions ”.
In collaboration with Adnkronos