Rt 1.5 and «high risk» regions – Corriere.it


Sustained and widespread transmissibility situation with risks to the health system in the medium term: this is scenario 3 in which Italy is currently, as declared by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Parliament.
The Higher Institute of Health designed the different scenarios and risks with a dossier that details the different situations and identifies possible interventions.

Rt at 1.5

In Scenario Description 3, scientists write: Regional Rt values ​​included primarily and significantly between Rt = 1.25 and Rt = 1.5 (i.e., with estimates of the 95% confidence interval of Rt between 1.25 and 1.5), and in which it can only modestly limit the transmission potential of SARS-COV-2 with ordinary and extraordinary containment / mitigation measures. And then they add: An epidemic with these transmissibility characteristics should be characterized by a faster growth in the incidence of cases than in scenario 2 (which is identified by the Rt between 1 and 1.25), inability to track the incidence of cases. transmission and initial signs of overload of healthcare services after the increase in cases of high clinical severity (with an increase in hospital bed occupancy rates – critical and non-critical area) attributable to a high or very high level of risk in con based on the monitoring system detected in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of Health of April 30, 2020.

October 28, 2020 (change October 28, 2020 | 15:58)

