Rome working for renovations with Hyundai and Qatar


Giallorossi’s strategies for the future also involve business choices. Calvo explains the strategies: “We want to invest in the city”

Rome in action not only in the technical aspect, but also in the commercial one. According to ANSA, Friedkin’s new property has begun to outline the policy that it will propose to adopt from now on. The fundamental evaluation will be done in front of the sponsor, col club that will focus primarily on renewing partnerships with the Hyundai and Qatar brands, both due in 2021. Everything stopped at the new technical front of the sponsor: the direction that will examine in the near future the most attractive proposals to open a new course after the separation with Nike. In the area of ​​stores, investments in Roma Stores will continue with the aim of increasing the number to 9 stores by the end of the year. A clear strategy, also confirmed by Francesco Calvo, the club’s director of operations, who confirmed the “Willingness to invest in the city” Significantly.
