President Meloni, Rome has once again disappeared from the radar of the government that has nominated two cities in the north – Milan and Turin – to two important European agencies, strategically promoting the strengthening of an axis in the Northwest. How do you rate this movement?
Without doing provincialism, every result that Italy obtains is a victory. That is why we also support Milan’s candidacy to host the European Patent Court, but we must consider the general balance and understand in this context what is the role of Rome, which runs the risk of being the great forgotten. The capital is absent from all parties because of a mayor who is inadequate for his role and who has plunged the city into absolute immobility. Rome governed by the Cinquestelle is paralyzed, does not attract investment and has no vision of development. Anyone now assumes that nothing can be done in Rome ruled by the Cinquestelle. Unfortunately, the result is that our city is isolated from everything, with the complicity of the Giallorossi government.
READ ALSO -> Rome, letter to the Prime Minister / How long will we have to suffer this penalty?
No reaction from Mayor Raggi and the President of the Zingaretti Region …
“Sure, and it’s not surprising. On the other hand, Raggi and Zingaretti have other things to think about. On the one hand, the mayor and the M5S are showing that they are more concerned about their personal destiny than the good of the city, on the other hand, the secretary of the Democratic Party is happy to witness the collapse of Grillino in Rome, thinking that this You could get a head start on your party. An ignoble war between gangs within the majority forces, in the skin of Rome.
It is a fact that Rome has been years, since the withdrawal of the candidacy for the Olympic Games that the 5Stelle administration wanted, without a strong project, with no idea of relaunching.
“Rome feels humiliated by a mixture of incompetence and arrogance. The no to the Olympics was dramatic because it prevented the city from enjoying huge development opportunities. The Cinquestelle preferred ideology to investment, slogans to infrastructure, rhetoric to employment. The result is that Rome and Italy have lost an extraordinary opportunity for growth. The decline of Rome is unacceptable and we no longer intend to endure it.
Could the Covid crisis and European funds be an opportunity to put the capital back at the center of the agenda?
“Yes, but it depends on where this money is spent and on which projects. And I don’t think Raggi and Cinquestelle are up to this challenge. I do not expect anything good from those who propose the cable car as a solution to the transport chaos and spend Roman money on an idiocy like the Tiber beach. In Rome everything is paralyzed, from the most banal to the most important. The grillini are not capable of solving simple problems, much less if they are able to imagine how to use the billions that could come out of the Recovery Fund ”.
However, the absence of a leader interested in raising the banner of the renaissance of Rome stands out. Said from the point of view of the Romans, frankly offensive.
“We have always put Rome among our priorities and we have done it not because I am Roman, but because all the serious nations worthy of that name realize how important the credibility of their capital is, which represents the ticket to visit in front of to the world. Rome is the only capital in Europe that is not treated as such by its political class and the central state. We have also reiterated this recently, when in the pact signed by the entire center-right we recall the programmatic commitments made with the policies of 2018: Rome should have the same treatment as the main European and world capitals. Rome is the capital of Italy, of the Mediterranean, of Christianity. Rome must rediscover its universal vocation and think big again. The battle for special powers and resources continues to be decisive, which we were the first to place in the Capitol and in Parliament and which was the first point of our program in the municipalities of 2016. We lost 4 years and it is on record that the party that expresses the mayor of Rome and the party that he expresses, even with his secretary, the president of the Region and that together they govern in Italy they have not done anything when they had the opportunity to work on the powers of Rome. Don’t make us your promises, they have already failed.
The Democratic Party cannot find a name for the Capitol. But even the center-right, less than a year after the Capitol election, has yet to identify its own. Indeed, if I understand correctly, there is a division between those who, like FI, insist on a technician (Tajani also spoke of a military man …) and those who would better see a politician. What profile, if not the name, will you propose to your allies?
«I have never liked making identikits and designing profiles, excluding someone a priori. Of course, Rome is a very complicated machine to govern and needs people who know it well and who know how to manage its defects with authority and firmness, who appreciate its merits. Anyone who has been involved in politics, from the municipalities onwards, knows exactly what I’m talking about. We certainly won’t make the same mistake as the grillini, who went to the Capitol to “gain experience.” You are not doing an internship in the chair of mayor of Rome.
And what time can you really imagine opening the post-Rays campaign, with a mayoral candidate and a program for Rome?
“Immediately after the regional will be our priority and we will do everything possible to give Rome a mayor at its peak. There has never been a shortage of names and ideas, as evidenced by the many proposals we have brought to the Capitoline Assembly and Parliament in recent years and which the M5S has regularly ignored. I want to reassure everyone: we are not distracted by the issue of the capital and the Brothers of Italy will be the protagonists of this challenge.
Last update: 00:36