Rome, the M5 mini-mayor discouraged by the 5-star councilors’ proposal: “During the pandemic, € 90,000 was allocated for events.” Crimi suspends them


Unanimously discouraged. An almost unprecedented epilogue for the Capitol institutions. It happens to Romein city ​​hall IV Tiburtino, where on Wednesday M5 shares president, Roberta Della House, was welcomed by all the members of the district council, including the 15 elected pentastellati, after 8 hours of assembly. A blow to the minisindaca, considered a loyal of Virginia Raggi, whose relationship with its majority in almost 4 years of administration has never taken off. Rather. “I was fooled into the M5 territorial group, Della Casa began in his speech to the Council, to the general surprise, because my availability for other roles would have been uncomfortable for someone.” And then take it out to the advisers: “Many of the elect who discourage me today if it were not for me would not even have made the list: we are talking about people who are not yet enrolled in Rousseau or who have not even enrolled in the M5 “

Crimi suspends the 15 rebel advisers – From the house is the fourth dishonorable mini mayor of M5s from 2016 to today. They preceded it Paolo Pace in Municipality VIII Garbatella in 2017 (it was actually he who resigned and later moved to the Brothers of Italy); Roberta Capoccioni in Municipality III Montesacro in 2018; is Mario Torelli at the XI Magliana Town Hall in 2019. Only this time the difficult position of the national M5 is recorded. The current political leader, Vito Crimi, in the Blog de las Estrellas announced the “suspension with immediate effect of the Movement” and that “disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against them.” To understand what Mayor Raggi will decide to do, who until a few days ago seemed willing to appoint House Commissioner. The two got very close in early 2019, when the mayor ran to show his solidarity after unknown men burned the containers just below the town hall president’s house. Since then, he records cuts and photos together. But now the overwhelming result weighs on the admissibility of the “candidacy”, albeit as regent for the last year in office.

Municipality IV, the “social”, the stone of scandal – The relationship between Della Casa and the majority, as mentioned, has never flourished. In what was considered “The city council of the mafia capital” – Tiburtino was the home of the Coop June 29 by Salvatore Buzzi and here some of the protagonists of the investigation on the ‘middle world’ were involved in politics: from the beginning of his term, the president and advisers signed the so-called “social pact”, which, however, the Most members believe it was never respected. The casus belli on April 16, when the Della Casa board, in the midst of Covid’s emergency, assigned 90 thousand euros for a series of cultural events in the prestigious Villa Farinacci. Money that, for the parent company M5s, Germana Di Pietro – who became the first opponent of Della Casa – had to “be used for all the economic and psychological problems that our population is experiencing and not for moments of aggregation that we do not even know if they can organize.” When the president gave an interview to Roma Today, evoking mistrust as the only chance to return: the councilors accepted it on their word and signed the motion together with the opposition, approved on Wednesday.

Ferment in the Romans M5. Lozzi: “We need an external delegate” – Although the attention for the emergency of Covid was reduced, which places the Lazio Region at the center of the news, the M5 is in crisis in the city, also due to the internal balance and the 12 months that will lead to the municipal elections of 2021. In addition to the When removing Crimi’s shields, there were no interventions in favor of Della casa by members of Pentastellato in Campidoglio. Rather. Your colleague from Municipality VII Tuscolano, Monica LozziHe even hopes that “a possible delegate to guide the Municipality will fall on external candidates to the interested parties”, therefore, also in the M5. Local stories tell of a President Lozzi, one of the five minast mayors who seems to travel with greater internal consensus, a rival to Raggi and on the same axis as his former colleague Sel, Amedeo Ciaccheri, as an alternative to the “official” Democratic Party in the center-left primaries.

Meanwhile, De Vito “denounces” three of his colleagues: But that is not all. On a difficult day for the M5 Romans, it also took Marcello De Vito. The president of the Capitoline Assembly, in the trial for the matter of the As Roma stadium, presented a complaint to those in evidence against the colleagues. Andrea Coia, Enrico Stefano and Angelo Sturni, three main exponents of the majority on Capitol Hill. All three are accused by De Vito of having passed a resolution entitled “Rome Forum 2030/2050”, signed by the Speaker of the House, which provided for the creation of a new permanent body of discussion on the future of the city, A kind of consultation articulated in thematic laboratories where politicians and technicians face assets considered strategic for the improvement of services and the growth of the Capital. A move applauded by Raggi herself. But the pentastellato group, led by Giuliano Pacetti, decided to take the parts of the three, talking about De Vito’s “understandable fatigue” and hoping that his initiative “does not testify to a desire for isolation that we can only take note of.” support: never like now
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