Rome, “street vendor forced to give half of the 600 euro bonus”: the Tredicine racket system in action even during the epidemic


A permanent system “at least since 2006”. An executive present in the same position since the 1990s. And a mechanism of bundles, illicit sale of street vendors and racket involving some members of the Tredicine Family – the “trade unionists” Mario me Dinosaur – and their representatives of the Bangladeshi community, put in check by the organization with the obligation to pay a real one monthly contribution. And who, in recent months, was even forced to “donate” half of the Inps allowance For him COVID-19, me 600 euros, disbursed in the months of April and May. According to the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, this is the trend established by Alberto Belucci, until February 19, 2019 executive of the Department of Productive Activities of the City Council of Rome – in which he also held the position of head of the Discipline office – and the “cousins” Darius me Mario Tredicine me Vittorio Baglioni, trade unionists and exponents of the well-known family of Roman “bankers” for years, almost monopolists of the sector in the capital. There are 18 measurements made by the men of the Local Police and the Financial police.

Grant payment – The disputed facts to the accused refer to the years 2018 and 2019, but there is a very recent episode, according to the investigators, significant of the “dangerousness” in particular of the members of the Tredicine family involved. It is the month of June and Mohammad Yousuf Hawlader, one of the Bangladeshi merchants forced to pay the suspects, is contacted by the union accountant, Giovanni catalano. Hawlader is also one of the highest paying 4,000 euros per month “Against the concession to street vendors of the best points of sale.” To even reach 80,000 euros a year, 160,000 euros between him and his brother. But in 2020, a revenue crunch forced debt collectors to reduce their money supply to the quota. 2,500 euros for the months of January, February and August. A partial restitution, according to Hawlader’s account to investigators, comes forced gives Catalan to request the Inps bonus for the disbursement of the grant related to emergency shutdown. “The investigations carried out by the Judicial Police – continues the investigating judge – confirmed that the amounts of 600 euros for the months of April and May were paid to the current account of the declarant’s brother by the INPS (1,200 euros in total, ed), and that the day after the credit of the amounts corresponding to the month of May, the holder made a withdrawal from the ATM of 660 euros ”.

The “stop trade” and “what’s in London” – According to investigators, the corrupt rotation allocation system was run by Bellucci. But most of the money ended up, as well as in the pockets of the suspects, also abroad. The Capitoline executive makes it clear, in an interception, referring to Mamun Kazi, Bangladeshi, technically resident in Rome but defined as “the one in London.” “Whoever makes the change in London, takes the money from London … and they demand thousands of … (omitted) … I don’t have to tell you that, you know what they do.” And again: “You have three shifts 3 shifts 4 shifts and they send you to work” at the stops, everyone stops, they do the shifts that they are sold 7 piotte (700 euros, ed)… Did you understand? But people who don’t have a license ”. The research thesis is that licenses they are largely assigned to members of the Tredicine family, including siblings, cousins, parents, wives, etc., and then end up in the sale described. “From the documentation acquired – the pm points out – only for the years 2017 and 2018 emerged 72 almost Release of work shifts in the presence of pending taxes, even significant ”, and then:“ Of these 72 cases, around 82% referred to shifts withdrawn and associated with the Fivag Association ”, founded by the suspects.

Money on the piano and money in the cylinder. “As long as Alberto is there, the category does not die,” said the Tredicina, intercepted. And Bellucci’s standard of living would have benefited. According to the investigating judge, “it is quite evident the existence of a clear disproportion between the earning capacity of about 2,000 euros per month” and “the amount of money deposited in the current account of Bellucci and his wife.” In 13 years, from 2005 to 2018, the family saw an increase in “funding” of approximately 195,000 euros, with cash payments of 127,000 euros. That’s in the 2015 Bellucci also bought a house in Quadraro value 215,000 euros “Without resorting to mortgage loans.” But even the arrested “trade unionists” did not go wrong. During a prequisition at Vittorio Baglioni’s house, the financiers detected the presence of 216,000 euros in cash, partly within a safe box (71,900 euros and even 350,000 lire) and partly (144,485 euros) in places like the piano, the stool of the same instrument, the seat of the exercise bike and the kitchen hood. Dino Tredicine, on the other hand, is accused of carwash of more than 600,000 euros between savings books enlightened on behalf of his wife and children and life insurance policies.

Bellucci appeals in favor of the Trredicines – Controlled and controlling, but also “double agent”. Alberto Bellucci is also accused of preparing resources for the Tredicina to which his own office had to respond. In the ordinance, the investigating judge writes that the municipal employee “contacted almost daily directly with some itinerant merchants to inform them of the termination of the deeds of the Department, and with the same frequency he was contacted in turn for the provision of advice or opinions that Bellucci himself also lends himself to prepare even in opposition to positions expressed by the municipal administration or the same administrative acts of his own Department. ”Among the most coveted places are the nearby places monuments and near the places of important and well attended events, like soccer games. But also the Christmas market in Piazza Navona, where the Tredicina has always enjoyed good and bad weather. It is November 22, 2018 and “Bellucci – read the report of the investigators – warns Mario Tredicine of the controls that will be initiated on the party in Piazza Navona”; and again: “From the tenor of the conversation it appears that the official is aware that the previous payments for the What P they were not regular and despite this, he never adopted suspensive or sanctioning measures.

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