Rome, fetuses buried with the name of those who aborted. Other cases arise, women rebel


One cross after another, one for each fetus. With above, a first and last name. That of a woman. In the Flaminio cemetery in Rome the little bodies are buried and the personal data of those who have aborted are visible to all. Hundreds of crosses, divided into several batches and are recognized because they are white, lopsided, with the last name of who had or wanted to interrupt the pregnancy.

It was first noticed by a woman, MF who a couple of days ago unburdened herself with a long post on Facebook. “I didn’t know anything about it, I found my name on a grave.” Then another, still in the same cemetery, which says: “It is as if they had buried me, they decided that I am already dead” and other women find out from the newspapers and go ahead at this time.


Rome, fetus in the cemetery after abortion with the woman’s name on the cross

In Rome a controversy with strong emotional impact broke out that involved women’s associations, the Privacy Guarantor, hospitals and cemetery services, and a parliamentary question was announced.

Burial is a possibility governed by an old law that dates back to the time of fascism and establishes that those who undergo a therapeutic abortion can request the hospital to initiate this procedure. But this does not explain how it is possible that the fetus is buried and the mother’s name is attached to a cross, so much so that the Italian Data Protection Authority has opened an investigation. And even the religious symbol is in dispute, none of the women who later found public identity had specified a religious orientation, the willingness to place the Catholic symbol at any burial.


Rome, fetus in the cemetery after abortion with the woman’s name on the cross

ML was the first to publicly denounce what happened in the Flaminio cemetery, who with a post on social networks had recounted his dramatic discovery: “When I signed all the sheets relating to my therapeutic interruption of pregnancy, they asked me if I wanted to proceed with the funeral. and burial. I said no, “says the woman. Without signature, therefore, without authorization. And she continues: “That request caught my attention and I started looking for information.”

At 7 months, she contacted the San Camillo hospital morgue where she had an abortion and this would have been the response received: “Madam, the fetus is here with us, don’t worry even if you have not given your consent, the fetus will continue to be buried for charity” . Don’t worry, she will have her place with her cross and she will find it with her name ”.

Thus he discovers that the unborn are buried in different lots in the Flaminio cemetery with the names of their mothers. The burial is carried out based on a 1990 mortuary police regulation based on a royal decree of 1939. The woman’s consent must be present and ML informs that it has not been given.

The case explodes and the sad Spoon river Roman who offends years and years of female battles in the Flaminio Cemetery of Prima Porta also becomes a political case of secular and civil conscience. And now there is a rebound of responsibilities.

The San Camillo hospital, where the abortion was performed, blamed a possible privacy violation on Ama, the municipal company that handles cemeteries in Rome. The Mistress rejects all the charges and explains that everything is carried out with supplies from hospitals and local health authorities, while in the name attached to the cross she affirms that “the epigraph in the absence of an assigned name, must contain some indications basic to identify the burial by who looks for it “.

A motivation that, together with the whole affair, did not convince at all a group of parliamentarians who posed a question to the government to see it clearly.

Meanwhile, after the woman has raised the case by recounting her experience, many now want to understand if ML’s story is theirs too. Yesterday FT also went to the Flaminio cemetery, went to Ama’s offices, who gave her a sheet with her name and surname: it corresponds to the body of the fetus and is attached to a cross.
