Rome, Calenda challenges Zingaretti: “You don’t have a candidate, you have to conform …”


“You have to be satisfied …”. With an irony bordering on sarcasm, Carlo Calenda he whips the Democratic Party and raises his candidacy for mayor of Rome. He is there, he is in the field and he does not want to retire. Nor participate in the primaries evoked by Zingaretti. The center-left nomination race for the Capitol has become the plot of a comedy, with beats worthy of an Oscar script.

The dem doesn’t want Virginia Raggi, not even Calenda (but says that in any case “she did better than Alemanno”) and I’m not going to talk about hugs. Nicola ZingarettiAt dawn, between a smile and a broadside to Conte for the no to the Month, he directs a meaningful thought to the former minister: he is there for the Capitoline Municipality, says in essence the tenant of the Nazarene, but there are also others. “In all the cities the center-left is organizing to win the elections. Even in Rome. A large number of forces, women and men, who have already won in the capital – says Zingarett – and who are now discussing the manifesto and objectives, and then act to select the way forward, make the Romans decide. I believe that popular participation and the enhancement of these women and men in the cities is an immense heritage to win the elections. The way is open everyone, therefore also in Calenda “. A way of saying, as the undersecretary of the Democratic Party in Lazio Enzo Foschi explicitly says, “that you cannot run for yourself, you cannot put your ego in front of Rome.” More: “Calenda – adds Andrea Casu, party secretary in Rome – is a candidacy against everything the Democratic Party believes in: the primaries and the government of which we are a fundamental part. Unfortunately once again it is divided and correct toasts”

Calenda is a candidate, social networks do not forget when he said: ‘Am I mayor of Rome? Not even dead, he would be a scoundrel ”

But Calenda goes straight as a train: “The primaries? They don’t make sense at the moment.” Also due to health issues: “Does the government decide that there cannot be more than six diners at the table and then open the gazebos to 40,000 people? While if the primaries are held with low numbers, the camel troop will prevail … . “. Words that infuriate another big name like Andrea Orlando: “Carlo Calenda is also a candidate but he does not try to delegitimize the primaries with questionable arguments.” In any case, the theme, for the leader of Action, does not exist: “For now in Rome I am the candidate of my movement, and I am convinced that with me you will win and the city will rise again. If I go with the center left, the center left must decide. ” What if there was another name? “I’ll stay in the field.” But, adds Calenda, “if there had been a solid candidate this problem would not have arisen, I think it would be easier for the Democratic Party to support one of their own. , but one of yours is not there “. So?” Then – hisses at the microphones of ‘L’aria che tira’ in La 7- the Democratic Party must be satisfied ”. Exactly.

Meanwhile, Calenda is usually on television and is very active on social media. It gathers the support of Lapo Elkann (“There is no better candidate for Rome”) and + Europa (Emma Bonino, Benedetto Della Vedova, Riccardo Magi), after the one already declared by the Renzianos. He asks Fabrizio Barca to run together in entrances and responds to those who reproach him for a statement from 2018: “Am I mayor of Rome? Not even dead, I would be a scoundrel,” said the former minister. On Facebook and Twitter, many accuse him of the inconsistency, and Calenda responds: “At that time they accused me of wanting to use the work, requested by the unions, on the table in Rome as a launching for a candidacy. I explained that I didn’t really think about that, that I didn’t want to be in politics. And in fact, I did not run for parliamentary elections. ” The hype continues, political and especially media.
