Romans will have to get used to new rules


With an Rt just above 1, Lazio is heading towards the orange zone. This was announced by the health councilor Alessio D’Amato in the last bulletin on coronavirus infections in Rome and in the rest of the region. Lazio, since the risk zones were introduced, has always been yellow, but now the scenario has changed.

Already last week the risk of a color change, after having always resisted in the yellow zone, had reached a value that had stopped just before the limit threshold, or 0.98. But this time, with the official findings of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health today, “we hope to enter the orange zone,” D’Amato said. Also because the Rt index has exceeded the risk threshold of 1.

Therefore, the Romans will have to submit to new rules and, except for the period of extraordinary restrictions of Christmas and New Years, it will be the first time. The official status that could arrive in the next few hours with the entry into force of the new regulations as of Sunday is still missing.

Lazio in the orange zone: what’s up

With the orange zone, bars and restaurants are closed seven days a week and only take away food is allowed. Shopping centers closed on holidays and days before holidays, closures in swimming pools and gyms, as in cinemas and theaters, museums and exhibitions. The shops will be open until 9pm. schools the superiors will return to classes on January 18 (instead, there are face-to-face classes for kindergarten, primary and secondary).

Movements within your municipality are free from 5 to 22, while from 22 to 5 in the morning it is only allowed to travel for work or health reasons. In any case, trips from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometers of their borders, will be allowed on the same days, with the exception of trips to provincial capitals. On the other hand, we also experienced a taste in the last weekend.

When self-certification is needed in the orange zone

In the orange zone theself-certification is used to move during curfew hours, when travel is authorized solely for work, health or necessity and urgency reasons.

In self-certification (here is the latest self-declaration form available in pdf on the Viminale website), the signer must declare that their movement is determined by: labor needs; health reasons; other reasons admitted by current regulations or by the decrees, ordinances and other measures mentioned above that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection.

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Not only the Rt index above 1, but also the pressure on hospitals and outbreaks

Going into orange will almost certainly mean staying in the new zone for some time, also because, as Councilor D’Amato himself had in fact explained, “it takes a while for RT to stabilize and then start to decline.” . In the last two Covid newsletters, infections in Rome have increased again.

Instead, the pressure on hospitals is improving. Yesterday, 13 patients left Lazio’s intensive care units. According to data provided by the National Agency for Regional Health Services, the number of intensive care beds occupied throughout the region is 30%, that is, sleeping with the minimum threshold established by the Ministry of Health.

Finally, two outbreaks of Covid have been highlighted: in RSA Villa Gaia di Nettuno, where there are 20 cases; and in the Villa Assunta di Lanuvio retirement home, with 15 others. In the San Camillo hospital, on the other hand, two wards closed after the positive results found in some doctors and nurses.
