Tonight, shortly before 2 am, in via Borghesano Lucchese 14, a 43-year-old Roman, Emanuele M., died after being wounded by a knife. The Carabinieri intervened on the spot, summoned by some neighbors who had heard the commotion and the girlfriend who was with him screaming. The help was useless for the man lying on the ground in the street.
He makes coffee and makes noise: brother wakes up and stabs him. A 56-year-old man died
Immediately, the searches of the Carabinieri carried out by the Radiomobile Nucleus of Rome, by the Operative Unit of the Trastevere Company and the Porta Portese Station allowed the arrest of two people, two men, who are now listening in the barracks and whose position is under consideration ; one of the two was arrested in a car in via Pacinotti, at the junction with piazzale della Radio. The investigations of the Operational Unit of the Roma Trastevere Company, the findings at the crime scene and in the car are carried out by the technical-scientific relief section of the Investigation Unit in via In Selci.
Last update: 11:58