Ristori quater, the government approves the decree: another 8 billion come in aid. From the deferral of taxes to the bonus for the precarious, all measures


Postponement of tax deadlines, bonus for employees of entertainment, tourism and sports. Helps her seasonal, intermittent workers and the exhibitions. And then again: widening the audience for non-refundable contributions to commercial agents, new resources for police and firefighters to pay overtime, a new fund for “total or partial exemption from resuming tax and social security payments” to be allocated 2021 to those who have registered a “significant loss of turnover“Due to Covid-19. During the night the approval of the Council of Ministers arrived Refreshments decree quater, which adds other 8 billion compensation for activities closed to contain the second wave of the epidemic. Between announced measures and breaking news, for the minister Roberto Gualtieri the provision shows that “those affected by the crisis caused by Covid will always find the state next to him. We continue to support workers, VAT numbers and companies with the postponement of the main fiscal terms and with other important measures ”. The minister emphasizes that the decree is the result of new budget variance “That, with a great sense of responsibility, was approved in Parliament, even with opposition vote“. The hope, therefore, is that the dialogue” continues in the next few months in which we will have to accompany the country to come out of the crisis ”.

Tax periods, the knot of the red zones – Most of the resources made available by the Ristori quarter, more than 5 billion, is destined to the extension of the tax periods. Since payment of the second advance of IRES and IRAP, postponed for all traders and professionals as of November 30 to December 10. For companies that have a turnover of no more than 50 million in 2019 and that have registered a 33% drop in the first six months of 2020 compared to the same period of 2019, however, everything is postponed to April 30, 2021. The extension also applies to activities subject to the restrictive measures of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3 and those operating in the red zones, as well as for restaurants in the orange and red zones, for tour operators, travel agencies and hotels in the red zones, regardless of turnover and losses. It remains to be seen if, given the delay in the approval of the decree by the government, the extension is automatic also for commercial activities and restaurants based in the Regions that changed on Sunday. risk range, going from red to orange or from orange to yellow. It is about Piedmont, Lombardy me Calabria, get orange and say Liguria me Sicily, now yellow.

Returns for scrapping of ter and balance and statement – Even those who have stopped paying the fees will not have to go to the cashier scrapping ter and the balance and statement, already suspended and postponed to December 10 of the previous Covid decrees: the new date to mark on the calendar is the March 1, 2021. Meanwhile, the return to Payment plans even those who had fallen before the emergency. In fact, there will be time for new applications to access quotas throughout 2021. Meanwhile, the majority and the government are also working on a scrapyard, precisely to help those who are new debts to be paid when the collecting machine is started again.

New extension in 2021 – One of the novelties of the Ristori quater, not filtered so far, is the establishment of an ad hoc fund to carry out in 2021 the equalization of taxes and refreshment measures granted with the emergency measures taken in the context of the emergency. In essence, those who have benefited from the tax suspension so far due to the emergency and who continue to record a significant loss in billing, will be able to enjoy a new exemption (partial or total).

Ateco code extension – As the government anticipated in recent days, the range of activities they can take advantage of non-refundable contributions– Different categories of agents and business representatives can now apply.

Subsidy for seasonal tourism, spa and entertainment workers – One is delivered New assignment one-time of 1,000 euros for seasonal tourism, spas and entertainment damaged by the health emergency, and other categories, including those registered in the Pension fund for entertainment workers in possession of certain requirements, temporary workers belonging to sectors other than tourism and thermal establishments who have involuntarily terminated their employment relationship, intermittent and those in charge of sale of homes.

Sports associations and bonuses – It increases in 95 million the allocation of the Single Fund for the support of sports associations and sports clubs. For the month of December an indemnity of 800 euros for workers from the sports sector. These are the workers of the sports world who have collaborative relationships with the Cones, the Italian Paralympic Committee, the National Sports Federations, the Associated Sports Disciplines, the Sports Promotion Bodies and the Amateur Sports Societies and Associations, recognized by the Coni and the Paralympic Committee.

Fairs and Congresses, entertainment and culture – 350 million euros are allocated for 2020 to compensate for the losses suffered by the sector exhibitions and gods conferences. Increase by 90 million, by 2021, the endowment of the fund current account for emergencies in the entertainment and film and audiovisual sectors; 10 million, by 2020, the endowment of the Fund to support travel agency and there touristic operator, whose support measures extend to passenger transport companies through open buses (called tourism).
It is also expected that the refreshments received from the funds mentioned above will not contribute to the formation of the tax base Income taxes are not relevant for the calculation of interest expenses and deductible expenses or for the formation of the value of net production.

Withdrawal payments on arcade machines – The balance of the single tax (Preu) on household appliances in the playrooms September-October 2020 can only be paid for one fifth of the amount owed. The rest can be paid with monthly fees, with the first delivery before January 22, 2021.

Law enforcement and military – 62 million euros are allocated to the police forces and firefighters for the payment of public order allowance and to extraordinary. Another 6.5 million euros are destined to the payment of ancillary fees for military personnel, including the doctor and paramedic, committed to fighting pandemic.

Contribution to the Regions and to the internationalization of companies – Regions with ordinary statute are assigned a contribution for 2020 of 250 million euros intended to finance the main part of financial accounts payable due in the current year. Another 500 million goes to the fund for the granting of loans to subsidized rate all exporting companies.

Extension of the term of the listed real estate funds – The managers of investment funds The alternatives managed by Italian real estate funds admitted to trading on a regulated market or in a multilateral trading mechanism may, no later than December 31, 2020, in the sole interest of the participants, modify the fund’s regulations to extend the fund duration no later than December 31, 2022, with the sole purpose of completing the divestment of investments.

Supplemental Elections for the House and Senate for 2020 – Supplementary elections are held for the seats of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic declared vacant as of December 31, 2020 before March 31, 2021.
