In the city of Liguria 42 new cases, the Region is about to enact an ordinance that will impose the obligation to always wear a mask in the municipal area. The North West Tuscany ASL: “Ours are infections already identified and circumscribed by Ferragosto”
SPICE. There is a worrying outbreak of coronavirus in La Spezia, so much so that the Liguria Region issued today, Saturday, September 5, an ordinance that imposes the obligation to wear a mask everywhere and always (24 hours a day) within the municipality from La Spezia, from today until midnight on September 13. In La Spezia there are 42 new positives for coronavirus and the ordinance is issued precisely as a measure to contain the recent trend of infections.
According to the governor of Liguria Giovanni totiAt the origin of this outbreak there would have been a maxi party in Marina di Carrara attended by a thousand people, mostly from the Dominican Republic.
He said this in a statement to a local television interview. After reiterating that “the pressure on other hospitals in Liguria is minimal”, Toti added that “in the territory of Asl 5 what we had already experienced in Asl 2 (Savona, ed) with the cluster this summer, after a party that was held in northern Tuscany (in Marina di Carrara, ed) with predominantly Dominican citizens: the cluster has created a chain of derived “sub-clusters”, our offices have been tracking them for days and if necessary the first aid personnel will be strengthened ».
The response to Toti’s statements came shortly after from the ASL of Northwest Tuscany: “In relation to the news about the contagion of a group of Dominicans residing in the territory of Massa Carrara, the ASL of Northwest Tuscany clarifies that this It is already a detected and circumscribed cluster, in the days following August 15, in fact there are about 50 positive citizens who have been treated, over time, by the prevention department, which has been monitoring the evolution of infections Since mid-August., to prevent the spread of the epidemic, it has also arranged the transfer of some patients to health hotels or intermediate care. At the moment there are no parties with thousands of participants but, again on August 15, a party much more restricted and private, which includes citizens of the same nationality. ”
The ordinance of the Liguria Region was born in an attempt to contain an outbreak that has developed in the South American community with subjects who may have transmitted the virus in various work environments and in transportation and public places. In La Asl 5 in La Spezia there are 41 hospitalized, 5 in intensive care and there was also one death in the San Bartolomeo de Sarzana hospital, an 89-year-old man.