Rise in covid cases in Milan, Sala and the prefect meet the experts: “Something must be done”


The imminent arrival of the second wave of the coronavirus, and the significant increase in cases in Milan, have put the authorities on alert. On the afternoon of Thursday, October 15, following the regional record data regarding new infections, Mayor Beppe Sala, those responsible for Ats Milano, some heads of city hospitals and the prefect Renato Saccone met in the prefecture. .

Interesting facts and considerations emerged from the summit. One piece of information above all allows us to understand how Corso Monforte took the decision to enforce the anti-spread of the covid measures very seriously. 383 measures to close public and commercial establishments are investigated, sanctioned in recent months for violations of anti-covid-19 protocols in the metropolitan area of ​​Milan.

The heavy hand with those who do not respect the anti-covid rules

“Whoever is sanctioned today – explained the prefect Saccone, at a press conference with Mayor Beppe Sala – should know that in three months, perhaps, he will be hit by closure measures. It is not a threat,” added Saccone, who in the last weeks He closed a score of businesses.

“I underline,” he added, “that we are not in February-March: we are prepared, we are more prepared from all points of view. Including awareness of the rapidity of the spread of infection. We have additional strengths and we know how dangerous it can be. evolution of the virus “. The prefect Saccone then explained that the latest Dpcm facilitates the controls, it contains very useful measures. This stimulates control services. The fundamental places of contagion are not the controlled ones, but those of a broad social context, closely linked to the youth population. Consciousness and voluntary adherence to the rules of conduct count, but also our ability to control. “, He concluded.

Rise of infections in Milan, what to do?

On the other hand, Mayor Beppe Sala spoke of smart work, the capacity of public transport, schools and universities and Aria B. The mayor confirmed that in recent days half of the infections in Lombardy are in the Milan area and among these , one out of every two occurs in the capital circle. “We do not foresee radical interventions to date, but we believe that restricted decisions, beyond the Dpcm, must be made quickly. Tomorrow – Sala explained – may be the day to do something else; not extreme escalation but something needs to be done. I think we must agree with Fontana so as not to give the idea of ​​non-agreed interventions ”.

“The situation in hospitals is worrying, it is clear that the trend is worrying. Today 72 people are in intensive care – he explained – and a few months ago there were 1,500. But the growth trend is fast and you have to act fast ”.

Smart work room

“In common in Milan we have six days out of twenty of smart working, working from home, one month. We are reflecting on whether it is necessary to intensify it: reflection cannot be carried out by us alone, but I ask for a technical analysis. There is availability and I want to be clear: I am not against this tool, I had made my reminder when I saw the health situation under control. Now the situation has changed and we need to work with flexibility ”, concluded Sala ‘justifying’ some of his statements against smart work.

ATM space and staggered hours at school

Speaking of mobility and transport, Sala said that the city is far from respecting that threshold of 80% of public transport capacity “but if this threshold is reconsidered we are available. The real shame – he said – is that we cannot be supported by the science regarding understanding whether in the subway with respect to the rules is spread easily or not. I have more the impression that this is not the case if the measures are respected. It is not possible to increase the trips. We will not be able to increase the number of races. Hence, the invitation of the doctors is to work even more in staggering schedules and that is why I am even more opposed to totally distance learning at the university ”.

“One thing that there is consensus on is that a great contagion does not arise in schools, maybe it will be detected. They are more supervised places and there is the possibility of immediate follow-up. The same is also true in workplaces where companies control. that it would be a mistake to imagine that there is total distance learning in schools or universities, ”said the mayor.

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Room in Area B

The mayor also touched on the subject of Area B. “We think” about a new suspension of the cameras. “October 15, the date the doors were revived, was not a random date, but the beginning of the thermal season. We must take into account the issue of pollution. We are a city of 1.4 million inhabitants in the one that another million enters every day: I have to think first of the health of one million 400 thousand people and in particular of the children. So that they do not come to us for lessons that are absolutely out of place. They did their job, there would be a lot to say how they do it “, Sala commented in reference to the words of the Councilor for the Environment of the Lombardy Region, Raffaele Cattaneo.
