Rome, May 11, 2020 – I have increased day by day cousin, contributions and subsidies of decree “April” become a decree ‘Relaunch’ (here the PDF). And so, in its latest draft (at 0.30 the other night), a maximum measure of 258 articles was reached, containing explosive interventions and measures from health to work, from well-being to savings, to the postponement of fiscal deadlines and of social security. .
A maximum maneuver of more than 55 billion to finance health, social safety nets and business support chapters, which until last night has been at the center of another arms fight in the government (mainly in the cut of Irap), with the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte trying to end the game to bring the package to the CDM today. Although a postponement to the next days is not excluded. Grillini and Renziani complained about the limited time available to examine most of the rules.
But it is because of the merits that the accounts do not return: from the incentives for those who buy small decorated banks, those who do not like 5 stars, to the rules on businesses and families, to which Italia Viva points. The Renzians have also called, for example, for the elimination of Irap, at least partially, with an additional commitment from the executive: a line supported by the new leaders of Confindustria. The answer was given at the end of the afternoon by the Minister of the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri: “In order to give more help to the companies, we decided to subscribe the balance and the advance payment of the IRAP in June”. Gualtieri also confirmed his willingness to help restaurateurs set tables outside “exempting them from Tosap (the tax on the occupation of public lands, ed) and putting simpler procedures. “
But the obstacles are not over. Conte’s job is in the temporary regularization of temporary workers, but the definition of the standard is missing because the grills resist. While in many other interventions (including the ecological bonus) the opinion of the Accounting Office on the coverage is missing.
In principle, however, the main chapters of the operation are confirmed: from aid to non-reimbursable companies between one thousand and five thousand euros, with more complex interventions for larger companies, to emergency income (also in this case not all is peaceful ), up to the multiplicity of bonus: from bicycle tourism, childcare.
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