Rome, May 11, 2020 – After a long day of waiting, controversy and postponements, the pre-advice, first step for the green light Decree-rise. The announcement was made by the finance minister around 8 pm, Roberto Gualtieri. “We have dissolved all the political and configuration problems of this imposing decree, soon there will be a count” to examine the text that “is very substantial and errors in the rules must be avoided, then we can proceed to approve this long-awaited decree,” he said to TG5.
The meeting, originally scheduled for 2 p.m., would be the prelude to Minister council that, however, should now happen to tomorrow, due to the clashes of opinions within the majority. There are two rocks on which the M5 has It was made to break the agreement reached last night, also with the green light of the pentastellati, on the regularization of migrants and agricultural workers, domestic workers and also Italian caregivers. This is the possible criminal amnesty for employers who regularize blacks and have six months of temporary residence permits that migrants can apply to look for work in Italy. “On the subject of seasonal workers – read a 5-star note -, we continue strongly opposite that any intervention configured as a indiscriminate regularization“The other key question is commercial support: what we learn Five stars They are against Irap Discount in favor of companies with more than 5 million turnover, proposed by Italia Viva and announced yesterday afternoon by Minister Roberto Gualtieri.
Meanwhile, the new measures contained in the draft decree begin to leak. Here they are in detail.
Emergency income
Amounts to billion euros the planned allocation for emergency admission. In particular, a spending limit of 954.6 million euros for the year 2020 is authorized to enter a specific chapter of the estimate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies called “Emergency Income Fund”. in addition to the 5 million for the costs to celebrate the agreement with INPS. The Rem amount will be between 400 and 800 euros monthly for a period of two months. Applications must be submitted before June. The rules set income and wealth limits and exclude prisoners.
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