Revival decree, emergency income in two sections. Public money for those who buy decorated banks


A decree of 258 articles, a maximum maneuver. Here is the last draft of the provision, called a relaunch decree, of which HuffPost It is in possession. It details the measures that shape the 55 billion new aid for Italians. May money and April order book. Companies, families, workers, but also healthcare, tourism, school, people with disabilities, sports: the list of recipients is wide.

Help companies / 1. That’s where the money will go

The non-refundable money will go to SMEs, merchants, artisans and freelancers up to 5 million in income or fees. But only if in April they registered a drop in billing of 2/3 compared to that of April last year. The quantification of money is determined by applying a percentage to the difference between the two installments: 25% to subjects with income not exceeding one hundred thousand euros, 20% in the case of income between one hundred thousand and 400 thousand euros, 15% between 400 thousand and 5 million euros. However, the minimum non-refundable contribution is at least one thousand euros for individuals and two thousand euros for all others. The head of the Treasury, Roberto Gualtieri, has announced that it will be possible to reach a support of 62 thousand euros.

To obtain the contribution, the application must be sent to Inland Revenue, which will then proceed to disburse the money by means of a bank transfer. The head of the Treasury, Roberto Gualtieri, has assured that this money will reach companies in early June. Professionals registered in the boxes, those registered for the separate administration, and entertainment business workers are excluded: they will have the bonus for the self-employed, which will be 600 euros for April and one thousand euros in May, but the latter only if there will be a 33% loss compared to the same period last year.

The other measures to support SMEs: discounts on rentals and bills

Also for this type of business, there will also be a tax credit of up to 60% of the income. The concession will be awarded during the months of April, May and June and will refer to properties used for industrial, commercial, agricultural, artisanal, tourist and professional activities. Non-commercial entities can also take advantage of this, including religious and third sector entities. For hotel facilities, however, credit is expected “regardless of the turnover recorded in the previous fiscal period”. The $ 600 million allocation is also expected to lighten April, May and June small production electricity bills and commercial activities.

Aid to companies / 2. Aid for recapitalizations and subsidies for people between 5 and 50 million of income.

Companies with incomes or revenues between 5 and 50 million will receive help if they launch a capital increase of at least 250 thousand and if they have registered losses of 33% due to Covid. For them also a deduction / deduction of 20%, up to two million, on the tax front and the possibility of requesting Invitalia to subscribe financial instruments issued by companies at the end of 2020 for 6 years and without interest. At the time of the refund, it is possible, under certain conditions, also a discount of 30% of what the State has received.

Business aid / 3. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in the field for large companies

Specific assets will be created within Cdp to support companies that have an annual turnover of more than 50 million, 43 million budget assets and more than 250 employees. The specific mechanism of operation of the Fund will be detailed with a subsequent decree from the Ministry of Economy. But the head of the Treasury, Roberto Gualtieri, has anticipated that these will be hybrid instruments of capital and capital, that is, loans or bonds that will be transformed into state shares if the company does not return them after a certain period of time.

Hotels and restaurants: 2.5 billion to reopen. Stop the tax for external tables

There will be 2.5 billion to co-finance all the expenses that companies, especially reception and catering, will have to face to adapt to the new rules imposed by the virus. Restorers who have outdoor tables will not pay Tosap, the tax for the occupation of public spaces and areas.

Emergency income in two installments, ceiling at 800 euros.

The article on emergency income specifies that this is “extraordinary” income support. It will go to families, even with a single member, who have been the most affected by the Covid emergency. Applications can be submitted before June and the benefit will be paid in two installments. The amount of emergency income ranges between 400 and 800 euros, depending on the number of children. It goes up to € 840 if there are family members who are severely disabled or not self-sufficient.

To submit an application, you must meet the following requirements: residence in Italy, an Isee of less than 15 thousand euros, a value of family income in April less than the value of the benefit, a family mobile asset in 2019 of less than ten thousand euros (increased by five thousand euros for each component following the first and up to a maximum of 20 thousand euros). INPS will manage the emergency revenue machine and therefore also the outlay of money.

A prize of up to one thousand euros for healthcare employees.

The recognition will be in accordance with the service actually provided during the emergency. This year, the Regions will have the opportunity to increase funds for additional negotiations to recognize the award, up to one thousand euros, for health workers employed by companies and organizations of the National Health Service directly employed to face the pandemic.

Ten thousand new nurses

The medical care package includes almost ten thousand more nurses, with contracts that will run from May 15 to December 31, also for the creation of the family or community nurse. A strengthening of intensive care is also planned, with 3,500 structural posts and the requalification of more than 4,000 semi-intensive care posts that can be converted in the event of a new emergency. The national health service and local health authorities will be able to hire nurses indefinitely in 2021.

Help paying wages to avoid layoffs

Public support, in the form of grants from local authorities, for the payment of wages to company employees in order to avoid layoffs during the pandemic. The measure also applies to self-employed workers. For all, the grant is awarded for a maximum period of one year from the application.

tax Holiday credit of up to 500 euros for the poorest families

Holiday voucher in the form of a tax credit for families with an ISEE of up to € 35 thousand. A credit, usable from July 1 to December 31, for the payment of services in tourist accommodation facilities in Italy. The credit can be used in favor of a single member per family up to a maximum of 500 euros. The credit measure is 300 euros for households made up of two people and 150 euros for those made up of one person. The credit will be available to the extent of 90% as a discount and 10% as a deduction. Also for tourism there is the establishment of a Fund for the promotion of tourism in Italy with an endowment of 30 million.

Billion for anti-covid schools

The loan is divided into two sections: the first, of 400 million, this year. The second, of 600 million, in 2021. The money will be used to equip institutions to contain the epidemic. For the 0-6 age group, $ 65 million is provided for those who administer educational services, such as day care centers, on an ongoing basis, and for non-state day care centers in the form of reimbursement for failure or reduced collection.

Stop VAT on masks, gels and swabs for this year

Masks, disinfecting gels and all virus protection devices will be sold this year without VAT. However, starting next year, VAT will be reduced to 5 percent. The list also includes intensive care lung ventilators, visors, gowns, gloves, and thermometers for health care personnel. VAT also zeroed on swabs and field hospital equipment

More resources for the disabled, the Fund for semi-residential structures is born

€ 90 million to increase the Non-Self-Sufficient Fund for assistance and services for people with very serious disabilities and serious non-self-sufficient older people. Another 20 million for the Fund dedicated to assisting people with severe disabilities without family support. And another $ 40 million for a new Fund, called the “Support Fund for Semi-Residential Structures for People with Disabilities,” intended to ensure recognition of an allocation for those who manage the structures and must adapt them to the Covid emergency.

150 million come to update the summer camps

The Family Policy Fund will be increased by 150 million to guarantee that municipalities, also in collaboration with private institutions, can strengthen summer centers, territorial socio-educational services and centers with an educational and recreational function for children between the ages of 3 years. 14 years old. Fifteen of the 150 million will be used to combat educational poverty.

A fund to support sport.

Fund for the revitalization of the national sports system. This is called the primary measure to support the world of sports. It will be financed with a sum taken from the sports betting collection, quantified in the draft with two percentages, 1% and 0.35 percent. However, it is explained that the Fund will not be less than 20 million in 2020, reaching at least 40 million next year. In 2022, the last year of the Fund’s duration, the amount of resources will not be less than 20 million.

Plastic tax and sugar tax deferred until 2021

The taxes will take effect next year. In the draft of the provision also the definitive cancellation of the safeguard clauses that provided for increases in VAT and special taxes from 2021.

Extension of the state of emergency until December

The expiration of the state of emergency of the virus was established by the Government on July 31. An article in the draft extends the deadlines “for the expiration of states of emergency and special accounts” by another six months.

From the state 100 million for those who buy decorated banks

On page 286, public support appears “for the orderly conduct of forced administrative liquidation procedures for small banks.” The compulsory administrative liquidation is practically the decision that certifies that the bank is decoded. It is a procedure similar to bankruptcy: the difference lies in the competent body that has it (administrative authority instead of the court) and in the conditions necessary for the adoption of the liquidation order, but the sense is that. This is the procedure that Banca Etruria underwent in December 2015.

The draft decree states that public support will amount to a maximum of 100 million for the transfer operations of the decorated bank to one who wants to buy it. In practice, the State will try to facilitate the sale of the bank by granting the buyer some concessions, such as the transformation into tax credits of the assets advanced by the same buyer. Public support will apply to banks, in addition to cooperative credit, which have a value of up to a maximum of five billion in terms of total assets and which will be subject to liquidation after the decree comes into effect.

The draft decree also provides for state guarantees of up to € 15 billion for new bank issues. A measure, he says, “to prevent or remedy a serious disturbance in the economy and preserve financial stability.” The guarantees will be granted in the six months following the entry into force of the decree and only after the approval of the European Commission.
