returns home after 5 months in the hospital, the story of Tiziano Besozzi


His ordeal in the hospital lasted about five months, three of which were in intensive care: only on the eve of August 15, starting in mid-March, was he able to hug his family, wife and son. The story of Tiziano Besozzi, a 62-year-old architect from Padenghe sul Garda, was told in the pages of Brescia today.

In his long struggle with the coronavirus, as mentioned, he spent almost 150 days in the hospital, and he also lost 20 kilos. He began to have symptoms at the beginning of March: a few days later the situation worsened and he was hospitalized in Polyambulanza. Here he was immediately intubated and underwent a tracheostomy.

Hospitalized for 3 months in intensive care

After weeks of seemingly endless suffering, when things seemed to improve – last May – he also had kidney failure: that’s why he was only released from the intensive care unit on June 22, more than three months after his first hospitalization. . From June to August, for about two more months, Tiziano continued his rehabilitation in the hospital.

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The indelible signs of a terrible experience

A terrible experience, which left indelible marks on the body and mind: even today Besozzi struggles to breathe and move as he did in the past (he was an athlete, and without any pathology). She managed to survive the fury of Covid-19, but in her head certain memories will never disappear: “As soon as I was hospitalized, I saw many people like me, who seemed to be lying on the ground. That is how I understood the seriousness of the emergency ”.
