Middle school second graders, after a long period of 100% distance learning, will return to the classroom on January 7th. What is expected, what are the points of greatest friction, fear for this election remains high.
75% of students in school
The DPCM of December 3, 2020, summarized by the Ministry in a specific note, establishes:
“The second cycle education schools located in the so-called yellow and orange zones will organize the presence in the school of the 75 percent of students, while ensuring laboratory activities and school inclusion of students with disabilities or special educational needs “
Thus laboratory activities will be present (In accordance with current provisions, the schools have chosen to provide the service in presence), as well as continuing to ensure the school inclusion of students with disabilities or SEN.
75% of students in each class or school?
The DPM does not say anything about it (it speaks of 75 of the school population). In fact, the Ministry clarifies: “the aforementioned limit can be modulated in various ways (also for classes, parallel classes, directions), taking into account the needs of educational institutions aimed at guaranteeing optimal performance of the service and with reference to the need to guarantee security conditions, without prejudice to the provisions of the Decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39, which bears “Approval of the Document for the planning of school, educational and training activities in all Institutions of the National Education System for the 2020/2021 school year” and the “Decree of the Minister of Education August 7, 2020 , n.89, which contains “Adoption of the Guidelines on Integrated Digital Didactics”.
In simple terms: If in a school the problem is that of not being able to guarantee the optimal distance between students, the best option could be to opt for the presence of 75% of students per class.
If the “funnel neck” is only on the access and exit roads to the school building, it may be sufficient to guarantee the presence of 75% of the students, alternating the entire classes.
The Integrated Digital Teaching Plan is valid
Schools already adopted a Plan for Integrated Digital Teaching in September. It remains valid if it can be superimposed on the new provisions or can be improved in this regard, even without distorting it. Schools that since September have taken advantage of the opportunity of DDI as a complementary modality to healthcare will surely find themselves at an advantage in this phase, with minimal changes in a path already begun.
What is the difference between distance education and integrated digital education? What has been done since January 7
Change to weekly schedule
Going back to school on January 7 will mean having an impact, especially in metropolitan areas, on transportation. It is not an easy choice, as already highlighted in Veneto: another 802 buses and 227 hires would be needed (!)
And so? Perhaps the most painless solution is to intervene in the modification of the students’ entry and exit times, with rescheduling of schedules for students, ATA staff and of course teachers.
A possibility contemplated in the DPCM and therefore “legal”. We have already talked about it in Teachers, Students, Secondary Grade ATA II will have to be ready to change the schedule starting in January. Possible afternoon shifts
In the note of December 9, the Ministry recalls “the ATA Staff Work Plan, the times of educational activities for teachers and students, as well as administrative offices, taking into account the school attendance of 75% of the school population. “As already mentioned, much also depends on the organization already started before the suspension of the classroom lessons.
This is a difficult solution to manage, which already meets the no of some school principals in Piedmont. School leaders’ rejection of double shifts
Back to school, the Ministry clarifies the new Dpcm: teaching hours, covid staff and Ata [NOTA PDF]