
The alarm from Regions and unions does not stop the government: on January 7, half of high school students will go back to school. Confirmed it Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to the majority heads of delegation, to the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia and to the members of the Scientific Technical Committee, during a meeting called to take stock of the Covid emergency before the expiration of the restrictive measures put in place for the holidays.
Conte’s line: unjustified postponement
The Prime Minister would have wanted to tell those present that the work carried out during the Christmas holidays at the tables with the prefects, by the Regions together with the unions and the representatives of the parties involved was appreciable: specifically, the tables of the prefectures have brought a high number of to an increase in the number of public transport trips, given consent for 45-50 minute lessons (no make-up) and staggered admissions between 8 and 10.
Therefore, according to the prime minister, postponing the return to classes to January 11 or 18 would not be justifiable.

A position in line with that of Education Minister Lucia Azzolina, who had tried to get high school students back to class until the last ten days of December.
The perplexities of nine regions
Conte’s green light, however, has yet to convince some presidents of the regions. Some of them, especially those of Campania (where it will start again in staggered cycles) and Puglia (where families could be given the last word), they may decide to do the opposite. And those of the territories led by the Northern League have also crossed, which they consider unsatisfactory the organizations produced in some territories.
“As governors we have done everything necessary in terms of security for transportation in accordance with the prefects, but they remain many critical issues about containing the pandemic“, The governors of the League wrote today in a joint note Massimiliano Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Attilio Fontana (Lombardy), Maurizio Fugatti (Trentino), Christian Solinas (Sardinia), Nino Spirlì (Calabria), Donatella Tesei (Umbria) and Luca Zaia (Veneto).
Lazio, on the other hand, seems aligned
Of course, there are also Regions that don’t seem to get in the way of the Prime Minister’s decision: in Lazio, for example, following the meeting between the regional councilor of the Claudio Di Berardino School, representatives of the Regional Directorate of Transport, the USR and the unions, Usr director Rocco Pinneri sent a note to all schools.
The document provides all the clarifications on the “link between the start and end times of teaching activities and the schedules of public transport services”, with special reference to the entry times, staggering and reduction of teaching hours.
However, the position that Governor Nicola Zingaretti will take will undoubtedly be decisive.
Salvini: too many uncertainties
The public letter came at the end of the meeting with the secretary of the Carroccio, Matteo Salvini.
Salvini himself speaks of the “great concern” of those who manage the Regions “for the uncertainty about the school issue, total absence of confrontation by Minister Lucía Azzolina, no indication about future regional restrictions, delays in vaccinations whose plan is in charge of the government. “
There are even perplexities among members of the majority, particularly those of Democratic party: they ask to avoid going back to school “if it is not safe,” writes Ansa.
Trade unions against
Even school unions oppose the return immediately after Befana.
Second Pino Turi, secretary of the Uil school, He says that “we must go back to the August security agreement and start over from that point.
“Coming back on January 7 is too risky,” he said. Elvira Serafini, head of Snalsand indicates 18 as the most reasonable return date.
Maddalena Gissi, leader of the CISL School, asks provocatively: “Will we return on the 7th? The solution will be drawn on the day of Epiphany as happened once with the Lottery of Italy! “.
The Anp He asked to avoid “turns detrimental to the organization of life and study of children.”
“We ask for at least two weeks of postponement to test students, teachers and all school personnel to see who is possibly positive for the virus,” he said. Marcello Pacifico, President of Anief.
The Infections Bulletin
The impression is that the contagion bulletin for the next two days. The one in the last twenty-four hours was interlocutory: there were 14,245 new cases of Covid-19, with 347 deaths. The positivity rate went from 17.6% to 13.8%, but it is still high.
And there were 14 more patients in intensive care than the day before, with 154 new entries registered: 2,583 in total, compared to 2,569 the day before. The fact that Covid vaccines are progressing slowly is not good news either.