Retroactive Refund Against IO App Delays: Would the Money Enough?


me problems technicians detected during registration by a multitude of users could push the government to rethink the Christmas refund. The maneuver, which is part of the cashless plan to eliminate cash, provides for the refund of 10% of purchases made as of December 8. However, for many citizens it was not possible to activate their own profile inIO application, used to record payments made by debit card, credit card and other forms of digital payment.

“Retroactive Refund” – The Proposal to Resolve Delays in IO Applications

The proposal of some exponents of the majority would be to allow the reimbursement request even for those who registered after the first day of the Immaculate Conception. The “retroactive refundTherefore, it could include in the program all the people who have not been able to register due to the malfunction of the application, attacked by millions of users, but who have already thought about Christmas gifts.

The system today only takes into account the expenses incurred, obviously only through digital payment, from the day after the one on which the IO app is activated, downloaded from 9 million of people throughout Italy.

Christmas cashback: spending limits and minimum number of transactions

In addition to delays due to app slant, consumers are now questioning the scope of the refund. Few will receive a Christmas refund of 150 euro, which assumes a total expense of at least 1,500 euros with a minimum of 10 operations as of December 31.

Christmas Cashabck: what if there is no money for everyone?

Even those who manage to buy this huge amount of money could be in for a nasty surprise. The initial phase of the reimbursement program involves the allocation of 227.9 millions of euros. But “if the aforementioned financial resource does not allow the full payment of the reimbursement owed, it is reduced proportionally.”

The decree of the Ministry of Economy 156/2020, which contains the cashback regulations, therefore underlines that, in case there are too many records, the amount of money contributed will be reduced by all. However, the legislation still says that resources allocated to cash reimbursements could increase with tax revenue.
