
Here we go again, Giuseppe Conte could sign another “ad hoc Dpcm” It contains additional restrictions for Christmas and holidays in general. It’s the indiscretion that comes fromAdnkronos, which cites government sources precisely in the hours that the meeting between the prime minister and the heads of the majority delegations takes place, decisive to find a synthesis between the rigorist wing and the less oppressive one that encourages the executive. In any case, it seems that a new Dpcm will arrive, since the measures on Christmas foreseen in the previous one are now considered insufficient.

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Specifically though even the Cts is divided and limited himself to suggesting the utmost prudence to Conte: that is why a kind of block for holidays and days before holidays of the two weeks at greatest risk. Who knows that behind the election of a new decree of the Prime Minister is also the hand of Rocco casalino, always very attentive to Conte’s image and communication: Near Christmas, only the umpteenth press conference with unified networks of the premier … The government, however, must deal with what could be the reaction of citizens, mocked since the beginning of the second wave: in November sacrifices were requested with the intention of having a minimum of freedom at Christmas, but this scenario did not happen. And now Italians could find themselves in a national red zone during the holidays. It only remains to hope that this blessed vaccine works and above all that it arrives soon …