2021 will not see significant interventions in the matter of pensions: for all those affiliated to the compulsory public pension, it will be possible to continue going to pension with the requirements in force until December 31, 2020.
The requirements
There are three main ways: exists anticipated (42 years and 10 months of contributions for men and 41 years and 10 months of contributions for women); there is the old-age pension (67 years together with at least 20 years of contributions) and the 100 quota (62 years and 38 years of contributions). Those who benefit from one of the requirements for early pensions must follow a mechanism to defer the first pension installment: the same applies to those who will go with a 100 installment (in the case of public employees the floating window is six months ).
While we read retirement today, the requirements can also be met by accumulating the contribution present in various pension plans and also the one credited with the professional funds (except for the 100 quota in which the contribution paid to private social security institutions cannot be used).
Here is “the woman’s choice”
The Budget Law 2021 renews the option for one year donna, the mechanism that for several years has allowed dependent and autonomous women to leave early at the price of the recalculation of the check with the contributory system: this pension system will also cover those born between January 1 and December 31, 1962 ( 1961 for self-employed) who have completed 35 years of contributions as of December 31 of this year. However, to meet the 35-year contribution requirement, no accumulation of contributions is allowed.
Alternatively, starting this year the INPS has opened the possibility of to redeem graduation with the system also provided for periods prior to 1996 and then request the liquidation of the pension with the option of women: in this mod you can “win” the 35 years necessary for retirement without paying exorbitant amounts that would be thrown to the wind by recalculation in the tax form of the pension.
Another novelty
The second novelty of the budget law is the extension of the social pension advance for the whole of 2021 under the already known conditions (63 years together with 30 or 36 years of contributions depending on the protection profile) with three useful dates (March 31, July 15 and November 30) for the presentation some questions.
Furthermore, starting next year, even part-time private sector employees vertical You will have the right to be credited with 52 weeks of contributions in order to achieve the right to a pension provided that your salary is equal to or greater than € 10,724: this is provided for in article 63 of the Budget Law for 2021 in the text presented by the Government to the House of Representatives. These are mainly seasonal workers (often from September to June) for whom the jurisprudence of legitimacy has now established the right to be credited with the full annuity for the purpose of accumulating the right to a pension.