Restrictions in effect until after Easter


The latest restrictions imposed by the government to contain the coronavirus pandemic will last until April 6, and therefore will also include the days of the Easter holidays. The division of the Italian regions into epidemiological risk bands is maintained, but there are no more regions in the yellow zone: the same measures are applied as in the orange zone.

However, the colors of the regions will change during the Easter holidays, that is, Saturday 3, Sunday 4 (Easter) and Monday 5 April (Easter Monday), when all of Italy will be considered in the red zone.

However, it will be a different red zone than the one in force for the rest of the days, since it will be possible, without leaving your region, to make one trip per day (under certain conditions) to other private homes.

The rules in the red zones and at Easter
Until April 6 in the red zone, travel is only allowed for accredited reasons of work, health or necessity (even to another autonomous region or province). Return to one’s own residence, domicile or home is also allowed, including return to “second residences” located within or outside the region. On the other hand, trips to visit friends or self-sufficient relatives and all trips to private inhabited homes other than one’s own that are not for reasons of work, necessity or health are prohibited.

On Easter days – April 3, 4 and 5 – instead, it will be allowed, once a day, to move to another private house in the same region, between 5 and 22 years with them children under 14 (or other children under of 14 over which the same people exercise parental authority) and disabled or non-self-sufficient people who live with them.

The rules in the orange areas
Until April 2, 2021 and April 6, 2021, in the orange areas it is allowed to move within its municipality, between 5 and 10 p.m. They are allowed only for proven work needs, situations of need, or health reasons. Returning to one’s residence, domicile or home is always allowed. It is also allowed to return to “second homes” that are inside or outside the region.

Regarding visits to friends or family, the same rules apply as for Easter days: it is allowed, once a day, to move to another private house inhabited in the same municipality, between 5 and 22, to a maximum of two people. Also in this case, as in the days of Easter, children under 14 years of age and disabled people can be brought.

The only exception refers to those who live in a municipality with up to 5,000 inhabitants: here, however, it is allowed to move, between 5 and 22, within 30 km of the border of the municipality itself (therefore, possibly also in another region or autonomous province), even for visits to friends or relatives in the manner already described, however, with the prohibition of moving to the provincial capitals.

– Read also: The data of the week on the coronavirus in Italy
