Restaurateur beaten by bandits for Rolex, his wife loads him into the car and saves him


CAERANO – They left with the golden Rolex that Renzo Durante wore on his wrist, leaving a trail of blood. But also the feeling that what happened Sunday night, in the bedroom, with Caerano’s 82-year-old restaurateur and his wife, Giuliana Semenzin, could have had far worse consequences. Compared to what was, however, a violent robbery, after which Renzo, owner with his son Paolo of the Corone hotel in via Padova and the Da Renzo restaurant, was sutured with several stitches on the head and subjected to repeated checks in the hospital, throughout the day yesterday, until 19, when he was discharged.
Investigations into the incident are underway by the Montebelluna carabinieri operational nucleus, who will investigate the matter with the couple in the next few hours.
It all started around midnight on Sunday, in the house next to the restaurant. “We had returned from the hotel – says Giuliana, a year younger than her husband – at 9:30 pm. I fell asleep, while my husband, who uses oxygen at night, stayed awake in bed.
And it is perhaps precisely because of this that he noticed that two figures, perhaps a man and a woman, fully hooded, were entering the room. A situation also facilitated by a window left open. Thieves, thieves, Renzo yelled. And that’s when all hell broke loose.
“They attacked him, is Giuliana’s comment, and they also shot me.” All while the two of them screamed desperately and Renzo tried to defend himself from the thieves, determined to snatch the Rolex from his arm. Once they took the watch, the two left, climbing through a hedge at the back of the house, also taking the couple’s phone, which was later found in the garden. At this point Gabriella took her husband, who was bleeding profusely, and took him to the Montebelluna emergency room.
“We filled a whole towel with blood – he says – he lost a lot of his head.” To hit him, according to Renzo himself, with a hammer, which would have inflicted two blows on him. “The third – he refers – would have killed me.” Among other things, a box was also found in the room that contained zip ties, which the robbers probably intended to use to tie up the spouses, perhaps with the belief that they would find them asleep.
The fact is that as soon as he arrived at the emergency room, the man was immediately subjected to cures and CT, also because he is a person who has some health problems and who takes Comadin, an anticoagulant drug.
«The hospital warned me of what happened – explains his son Paolo – and I will always remember the sensation I felt. My mother was very good, she did everything alone. Although, of course, now you feel the turmoil. «I’m upset – Giuliana recounts – even though I took the calming drops. I constantly see in front of me the image of these two individuals entering.
But it’s the story of Renzo, who came home last night around 8pm, that really gives me the creeps. “I was in bed because I couldn’t sleep because I have oxygen in my nose, remember, I saw them in front of me. They hit me twice on the head with a hammer. As the head doctor of the hospital also told me, I am here by a miracle. In the next few days I am going to Padova to Santo. We are miraculous. My wife zigzagged down the road with only the small headlights on. And yet we are here. Then the thought turns to the clock. “They snatched it out of my hand, which is now a disaster. I’m sorry because it was a good memory: I gave it to myself, along with my children, in 1973. But it doesn’t matter. On the part of the Carabinieri, an invitation to immediately report suspicious persons and cars to the police, as well as to contact the carabinieri as soon as robberies or robberies occur. Although, in Giuliana’s case, there is no doubt that she did everything in the best way. Saving herself and her husband.
Last updated: 08:51

