New Covid Peak. Rules or no rules: limited masks and contacts
Today I don’t have any advice, I can’t give news; I apologize to the reader, but this time, if you want to read something to cheer yourself up, go ahead and look elsewhere. Again, we have recorded more than 100 deaths in one day due to Covid-19. Perhaps, and I really hope, this is a daily peak, and a smaller number follows; but the trend is clear, especially if you look at the increase in hospitalizations and intensive care. There are two predominant feelings at this time: bitterness and anger. Bitterness because you can be sure that those poor dead will be looked down on again: the usual ignoble comments that they were old, sick or even made up already resonate in social forums and in discussions on the street, without anyone having them. shred of knowledge of those ended lives and how they unfolded before Covid-19.

The terrible and obscene discussion of “for” and “with”, triggered and relaunched during the first wave, has never lost its vigor., because it is the most comfortable way to reject reality, taking refuge in an imaginary world, affirming the ego and defending the reasons. The bitterness, again, because we had managed, at the cost of unprecedented efforts for generations, to keep the virus at bay without pharmacological weapons and without vaccines; today it is definitely clear that we have squandered the wealth we had accumulated and that’s why we waste our efforts.

Then there is anger, because the conditions and the possibility of this recovery have been announced in time, just before leaving the confinement; and not with Cassandra’s arguments, but with those of quantitative reasoning, of the knowledge of how epidemics and viruses work. Faced with these announcements, many of us had asked for one thing above all: to monitor and monitor again, contain and extinguish the outbreaks. But still, follow-up was placed irregularly, with as many rules as regions, starting with the school. A working application developed for free has been rendered useless by the ridiculous fear of giving up their privacy on the part of those who browse Facebook and Google, on the one hand, and above all by the inability to easily predict and organize what should happen downstream of a detected positivity, between codes never received, health companies that deliberately ignored it, doctors who refused to do their duty, etc. Even excluding tracing and testing, the privacy policies have been dispersed into a number of different procedures that are often grossly ineffective., as in Emilia-Romagna, where if a child tests positive in a class, it is suggested not to suspend even the lessons while waiting for the result of a possible test for his classmates.
The anger also for the Italian scientific community, which instead of speaking with one voice, allowed a handful of its members to systematically minimize the danger, using ambiguous phrases, make fun of the most serious colleagues and meanwhile push institutions and the population to think that the virus was destined to disappear shortlyThe emergency is over, the mutation that has occurred and a thousand more lies that no one will be sure of (indeed, someone follows the show, trapped in the media circus from which they are blessed).
Bitterness and anger thenthe; Now, without giving in to fear, it only remains to equip yourself individually to resist, rules or no rules, limiting contacts with strangers and masked people as much as possible, and waiting patiently for the next inflection, the next peak and the descent of this new wave. .