Research: 63% of Italians suffered mental disorders during the confinement


In the research carried out by Angelini Pharma on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, several symptoms are mentioned: insomnia, difficulty sleeping or waking up at night (European average 19%, Italy 20%); lack of energy or weakness (16% of the European average, 14% of Italy); sadness or the urge to cry (15% European average, 18% in Italy); excessive fears and fears (European average 14%, Italy 17%), lack of interest or pleasure in doing things (European average 14%, Italy 13%); panic and anxiety attacks (10% European average, 10% Italy 10%).

The majority of European citizens report having at least two of these symptoms (61%); in Italy 67%; 50% of the Italian sample claim to have had these symptoms for the first time (European average 46%), while 33% claim to have had a worsening of pre-existing symptoms (European average 39%).

How did people deal with this parallel epidemic of psychological disorders? For the majority sharing their concerns with their partner, family and closest friends (54% European average, 51% in Italy), while only a minority have turned to a professional to help them: general practitioner (European average 18%, Italy 17%), psychologist (European average 11%, Italy 11%), psychiatrist (European average 9%, Italy 6%). Participation limited to professional figures may also depend on the restrictive measures in effect at the time of closing.

An unexpected result of the research refers to the behavior of people with respect to information. Although psychological disorders were widespread, however, only 1 in 4 people sought information on the subject of mental health related to Covid-19 (26% of the European average), with the exception of Italy (35%) and Spain (38%) where the percentages are higher.

People sought information mainly on the Internet (65% European average of those who were activated in the search for information, Italy 64%) followed by television (18% European average, Italy 15%) and by the family doctor (18% European average, Italy 18%). It is always worth noting that these numbers refer to an emergency situation in which access to the GP and other healthcare professionals was very limited.

Mattarella: “The pandemic increases suffering” “World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to reflect on the needs of the most vulnerable people.” This is the message of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. “The pandemic has exacerbated the suffering of people with mental illness, often forced to live away from their families for therapeutic reasons, and who in some cases faced the effects of closure in solitude.”
