Report on the coronavirus Udine Friuli, October 13, 2020


People currently positive for coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia there are 1,423. The number of patients treated in intensive care has increased to 10 and to 27 hospitalized in other wards. There were no deaths, so the total number remains 356. Today 38 new infections have been detected. Analyzing the general data since the beginning of the epidemic, 5,610 people tested positive for the virus: 1,872 in Trieste (plus six), 1,910 in Udine (plus 13), 1,214 in Pordenone (plus five) and 587 in Gorizia (plus 14)) , to which 27 people from outside the region are added. The totally cured amount to 3,831, the clinically cured are 19 and the isolated 1367. The deceased are 198 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 72 in Pordenone and 9 in Gorizia.

The detail

In the detail of the cases, in terms of intensive care, the hospitalization of a 28-year-old healthcare worker and three direct acceptances involving as many people aged 79, 70 and 66 respectively. In reference to the new positivity found, in relation to the school area, we point out the case of a teacher from the Integral Institute of Porcia and a researcher from the Trieste Science Park Area. Finally, in front of the health workers tested positive for Covid a nurse from the Department of Pediatrics of Hospital San Vito al Tagliamento and operator of the San Quirino nursing home.

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