
Postponed reorganization. The consultations of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte have begun to check the stability of the majority, not without nervousness and from M5S and PD – the first two majority parties to cross the door of Palazzo Chigi – come “declarations of loyalty” to the government. This is not the time to shake the executive, already unstable by the peaks of Matteo Renzi (who will be tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Prime Minister’s office together with the Italia Viva delegation) with a crisis in the dark that would lead to the abyss of the Country. That is why Vito Crimi and Luigi Di Maio, also present at the meeting, define the theme as “surreal”. So much so that the Chancellor is the bearer of an unequivocal announcement: “We are the first political force in Parliament and the message we have brought was one: the government must work for Italians, period”.
In short, we must put a stop to the drift of the crash and even Nicola Zingaretti’s Pd, until today in the role of mediator, is no longer available to stay in the middle between M5S and IV. It is the leader of the Senate, Andrea Marcucci, who certifies that the government team is not touched for now: “We are not here to talk about this, not us”, diverting attention to the open discussion with the Prime Minister. “It seems to me an important and useful step, most cannot afford to make mistakes,” he says. Even from Italia Viva, with Maria Elena Boschi, the stop comes: “The reorganization is not on the agenda for us.”
The moment is delicate and while two of the 4 parties make grids to ease the tension, in the corridors of politics the rumor continues of a government team destined to change form. In the first place, we must resolve the node of delegation to services, that the Nazarene would like to parade before Conte. And if the Defense, Health, Interior, Economy and Foreign boxes remain armored, the Education departments -which have always been in the objectives of Italia Viva- and the MIT are discussed, about which Conte would also have reservations. The Democrat would like the ministry to bring Graziano Delrio back and, therefore, if in front of the cameras the reorganization remains a taboo, in the secret rooms we continue to argue.
At the table with the prime minister, Zingaretti tried to draw attention to issues wanted by the party, such as the use of the Month, the Recovery funds not to be entrusted to an imperial working group, and in this he agrees with Renzi. – and then again the path of electoral law and reforms. However, the harmony plan must begin to produce concrete results. Immobility or worse yet, the false image of the ‘man alone in command runs the risk of fueling Renzi’s attacks.
Right on the Tuscan Senator, the lights will come on tomorrow. This is the meeting that Conte’s verification process will depend on. Nobody in the majority believes that the problem is easy to solve, much less that it ends tomorrow night with Leu. The hypothesis, already under consideration and which seems to have also left space on the prime minister’s agenda, is that a face-to-face is needed between the prime minister and the leaders. This is not before the House approves the move. And Zingaretti sends a warning to the sailors: “We believe that the government’s action must go ahead and must go ahead in great harmony with the problems of the Italians.”