Reopening of the Campania school, De Luca opts for prudence: possible delay in arrival


The schools reopening in Campania could suffer more slip. The governor of the region, Vincenzo By Luca, continues, as it has always done since the beginning of the pandemic, on the path of prudence, and anticipates that the resumption of classroom lessons could be further postponed.

In fact, De Luca’s objective is precisely to guarantee a shoot safely didactic, but at the moment the Governor does not know if his Region is capable of facing this challenge, he said during a meeting with the press in Benevento.

Reopening of schools in Campania: possible postponement

De Luca could decide increased curb reopening school, opting for caution. In the past, in fact, the Governor of Campania had already tightened the measures imposed by the Government, implementing the Iron fist in handling the emergency, so much so that he also earned the nickname of “sheriff”.

Also on the school issue, De Luca takes a position contrary to that of the Government, as he himself stated:

“We have challenged two guidelines of the national government, in our opinion wrong: make tests optional Serological tests for school personnel and here in Campania are mandatory. And the body temperature measurement: we have decided, although it is not the responsibility of the Region, to give three thousand euros to the principals for the purchase of thermocans to measure the temperature in schools. So we are assuming the delays of the Ministry of Education ».

The situation of banks in Campania

Monitoring the situation in Campania remains of fundamental importance for De Luca, who said: “They do not know how many positions have arrived to date, we don’t know how many teachers there are “.

And precisely on the question of teachers, the governor is working hard to ensure that teachers, already in the organic They are sent to 500 kilometers and we intend to activate complementary service contracts with private companies, which were already used for school trips, to increase media and ensure student transportation and safety at the start of the new school year “.

One of the main problems with reopening schools is, in fact, theabsence of teachers, many of whom will not be able to return to class because they tested positive for serology.
