“Schools must be reopened. Data from the Higher Institute of Health have shown that they are not an amplifier of infections and if strict rules are followed it is possible, even fundamental, that children go back to class ”.
So in La Repubblica, Antonella Viola, Immunologist at the University of Padua
“It is useless to postpone the start of the lessons for a week, you cannot solve in 7 days what has not been done in months and months to change public transport and secure schools.”
Azzolina announces: “Back to school on January 7, the school has sacrificed too much”
Then add: “Mistakes were made within the schools themselves earlier this year. For example, don’t enforce masks when the guys were sitting at the counter. Instead, they should always be carried indoors. Teachers, then, should use “Fpp2” even when explaining, that is, at the time of greatest risk of infection. The defense always wears the appropriate mask. The doctors in the hospital do it, the nurses in contact with the sick. Teachers who are in contact with healthy children can also do it ”.
Then dictate the rules to return to class: “Masks, shifts to avoid crowds of buses and for distancing in classrooms, sanitation of classrooms and bathrooms, monitoring of positives.”