Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte offers the press conference at the end of the year organized by the National Council of the Order of Journalists in collaboration with the Parliamentary Press Association.
Space also on the subject of the reopening of schools. The prime minister waits “A return to class as of January 7 from second grade high schools with teaching in the presence of at least 50%”, but – Conte emphasizes – “In the name of flexibility.”
Schools reopening January 7, all the details of the State-Regions agreement. TEXT [PDF]
Thus the prime minister: “I hope that on January 7th the Baccalaureate can be restarted with a mixed teaching integrated at least 50% in presence, as a show of responsibility, without putting the school communities at risk. If, as they tell me, the prefectural tables have worked well, we can start over with at least 50%. We are taking advantage of December to go one step further, in a logic of maximum flexibility. We involve the prefects, with all the authorities involved, for a summary. We have understood that the system is so integrated that it is not possible to decongest flows around the school, not even for local public transport, if the different sectors are not integrated. The prefectures were tasked with coordinating flexible solutions, to be evaluated country by country, school by school. There was a desire to differentiate entry times even in public offices ”.
LIVE | Press conference of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte [VIDEO]
Schools reopen, from January 7 to 15 50% of high school students return to class. ORDER OF THE Ministry of Health
Reopening of schools, De Micheli: “The entry and exit times are extended over 2 hours, more than 12 are those with the highest risk of contracting infections”