The ministerial recommendations on DID specify which guidelines teachers should follow when evaluating students in the field of distance education. So how do you evaluate students?
Distinguish DID and DaD
First of all, of course, it is good to distinguish between integrated digital education and distance learning. In fact, where integrated digital teaching is such because it integrates, precisely, with distance moments (based on the digital) even face-to-face ones, distance teaching is that part of integrated teaching that is carried out entirely on digital platforms . Why do we need to clarify? Because it is obvious that if distance education were only a moment of integrated digital learning, it would be obvious to allocate the verification of learning to face-to-face teaching. And, therefore, in this case nothing would change compared to the usual procedures that teachers use to evaluate their students.
Exclusive DaD
Different is the case in which distance education became exclusive, for example, for a new confinement, or in relation to a fragile student for whom exclusive distance education was the most prudent choice. Here, for both hypotheses, the ministry suggests: The evaluation must be constant, guarantee transparency and timeliness and ensure continuous feedback on the basis of which to regulate the teaching / learning process..
In other words, distance learning implies that teachers continuously monitor the results of the learning processes, much more than in face-to-face teaching. Small but continuous assessment interventions (and methodically stored in dedicated files), because it is unthinkable to entrust the four-month follow-up to two or three remote feedbacks or two or three products. In a similar context, the process has a much higher value than the product.
An excerpt from the guidelines
In this sense, we present an interesting extract from the guidelines on DDI: The formative evaluation takes into account the quality of the activated processes, the will to learn, work as a team, autonomy, personal and social responsibility and the self-evaluation process. In this way, the evaluation of the objective dimension of the observable empirical evidence is integrated, also through the use of appropriate rubrics and log books, by the most properly formative one capable of returning a global assessment of the student..
It is clear that although the pedagogical-didactic objectives remain the same, the focus of the evaluation changes slightly.
Otherwise, everything remains as it is. Class councils and individual professors have the maximum freedom to identify the best docimological tools with respect to the methodologies used, complying, of course, with the criteria defined and approved by the Faculty Council and included in the Three-Year Plan of the offer educational.
Download Ministerial Guidelines on DID