Compulsory test for all school personnel in Campania. A decision that Governor Vincenzo De Luca had anticipated a few days ago and that yesterday afternoon was finalized with ordinance no. 70 containing “new contagion prevention measures with a view to the start of the school year.” Campania is thus the first region to order compulsory serological tests driven towards this provision by two elements: on the one hand, the too low percentage of volunteers who underwent the free examination with a view to resuming lessons (around 30 percent); on the other hand, the number of new positives from Campania is constantly increasing. The obligatory nature of tests among school personnel finds all unions in favor, convinced that this way they can curb infections and offer greater health protection to staff and students. There is time for mandatory screening until September 21, three days before the school year opens, that is, when school administrators will need to collect and report the names of those who have not yet been verified to the local ASL. However, those who performed the serological test and / or diagnostic swab after August 24 with a negative result are exempt. Those who do not take the tests run the risk of penalties of 400 to 1,000 euros but will not be prevented from entering school and class.. The principal has the task of communicating it to the ASL and Crisis Unit, which will decide to move on to other profiles: a hypothesis, for example, by subjecting the entire class to a daily screening where the untested teacher teaches.
ALSO READ Covid in Campania, 249 positives in 24 hours
The ordinance expresses the reasons that led the president of the Campania De Luca Region to tighten his belt and impose the mandatory tests on school personnel. In recent days there has been a significant increase in cases of viral positivity in the region, mostly related to asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic subjects (that is, infected patients with mild symptoms that are difficult to identify and diagnose because they often go completely unnoticed): yesterday with 249 Campania was second after Lombardy with 271, but preceded it in the previous days. The construction of the necessary conditions to guarantee a school year in the name of safety has led to the decision that “all staff, teachers and non-teachers of schools of all levels in Campania, undergo the serological test and / or with a swab, reporting to your family doctor and the local health authority, and then communicate the results to your school director. ” Those responsible in turn must inform the ASL of those who do not appear to have submitted to the screening three days before the start of the school year, so that they can do it quickly. Penalty: administrative sanctions.
“The restart of the school must be carried out safely and this ordinance finds us in favor”, says the general secretary CGIL Campania, Nicola Ricci. “But it is not enough to test teachers until September 24, we must continue to do so through a cyclical program of health checks, since we have to be proactive.” According to Ricci, “there are some dissatisfied teachers with stomach ache, but the vast majority share this ordinance. It may seem like a tough move like the famous flamethrower, but you have to take it for what it is: a deterrent to the pandemic, since there was little voluntary participation. “We all have security in our hearts and this ordinance finds us in favor of President De Luca,” they comment. Salvatore cosentino, secretary general of Uil Scuola Campania, e Giovanni sgambati, Secretary General Uil Campania. “It is also true that objective security does not always coincide with the possibility of offering subjective freedom, so some teachers are going to turn around, but there are very few. That is why the simultaneous construction of an information campaign is necessary ”. Next, Sgambati recalls that “fragile workers must be protected, as well as precarious workers: we cannot think of a competition for those with 10 years of experience.” By the Secretary General of Cisl Scuola Campania Rosanna colonna “There are teachers who do not want to, they did not like the tests voluntarily and much less obligatory. But it is a decision that finds a wide consensus, since it provides a greater guarantee for themselves and for the students. Colonna also welcomes the initiative of thermal scanners at the entrances, as one more guarantee. Because daily infections increase, and we must not lower our guard, on the contrary, tests would be useful for students, starting at the age of majority, and periodic screening in case infections do not decrease. This last proposal is agreed by Minister Azzolina, who yesterday announced in the Senate that there will be sample serological tests for all students (of any age) because “we are aware that there is no zero risk.” © REPRODUCTION RESERVED