High school reopening on January 7? The front of the Regions is divided and decisions are made in no particular order. Here are the latest decisions.
Campania: gradual return from January 11, higher from 25.
Friuli Venezia Giulia: “Second grade secondary schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia will remain closed until January 31, adopting one hundred percent integrated digital teaching.” The Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi, and the councilors Alessia Rosolen (Education) and Graziano Pizzimenti (Infrastructure) said today in Trieste announcing an ordinance signed by the governor Massimiliano Fedriga that provides for the postponement of the opening of secondary schools after the 31 from January.
Lazio: possible postponement until January 11.
Liguria: “Given the uncertainty about what will happen from Monday 7 and 8, schools in Liguria will not open,” announces Governor Toti.
March: towards closed schools.
Piedmont: President Alberto Cirio wants to wait for news at the national level before adopting ad hoc measures for the return to school on January 7
Sicily: ready to reopen on January 7 or 8.
Tuscany: confirm return to classes on January 7 at 50%.
Valle d’Aosta: ready to reopen on January 7. The Aosta Valley is ready to open institutes on January 7, the decision to postpone it would be very serious ”. Luciano Caveri, Councilor for Education, declares it to Ansa.
Veneto: Dad from January 7 to 31, the order of Governor Luca Zaia is published.
Schools reopening on January 7th, that’s where we will return with differentiated entry times. Lunch and time for homework?
Criticism for the decisions of some Regions to leave the schools closed, M5 Senator Bianca Laura Granato. “The operation carried out by the regional presidents was to say yes to the extra money, yes to the activation of traces and extraordinary powers and then passively wait on the river bank for the emergence of contagions to ask to postpone the opening,” he says in a statement .
According to the deputy of the Democratic Party, Lucia Ciampi, regional decisions must be accepted, because “the Regions, which have deep territorial knowledge and experience in the matter, are the bodies in charge of evaluating the best measures to take.”
For Gabriele Toccafondi, leader of the Italia Viva group in the Chamber’s Culture Committee, “the rush of ministers, consultants, commissioners and regional presidents to not reopen the school”, especially after the data released by the ISS.
In the report of the Higher Institute of Health “School opening and progress of confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2:
the situation in Italy “, we read in fact that in the period from August 31 to December 27, 2020” there were 3,173 outbreaks in the school environment in Italy, which represents 2% of the total reported national outbreaks.