Reopening of restaurants for lunch, the hypothesis of the new decree Draghi-


To show Italians that there is light at the end of the tunnel, the government is evaluating the possibility of inserting a few strokes of yellow in the decree of measures against Covid. But only if the epidemiological data improved. The provision, which will be sent to the Regions on Wednesday, March 31 and then approved in the evening by the Council of Ministers, provides only orange or red regions and will be in effect from April 7 to 30. The tug of war for closings and openings divided the majority and forced Mario Draghi to mediate between the rigor of Roberto Speranza, supported by M5S and Pd, and the rush of Lega and Forza Italia to restart economic activities. But the pressure to reopen restaurants for lunch from April in those municipalities, provinces or regions where infections fall below a certain threshold does not convince scientists and alarms the Minister of Health, concerned about the race of the English variant.

Here, then, is the mediation of the prime minister. In Parliament, Draghi promised to control the epidemiological curve and, as soon as possible, to review the measures in progress. And so the Palazzo Chigi technicians are studying the formula that could lead to widening the meshes of the prohibitions: unless there are doubts there will be no automatism, but the text of the decree will contain a mechanism according to which, if the epidemiological curve goes down, in the course of April it will be possible to relax the restrictions. There will also be a rule in the text that prohibits regional governors from closing schools up to sixth grade, regardless of the color stripe in which their region will be inserted.

March 30, 2021 (change March 30, 2021 | 23:04)

