Rome, December 29, 2020 – Date x is January 15 when the term set by Dpcm December 3 for the closures of certain activities imposed by the Second wave of the Coronavirus. But now the debate is open: what will happen to gyms, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters? They will reopen or the trend of the contagion curve will impose a additional stop? The discussion within the government and among scientists is very open. There are many doubts about the reopening. After reopening on January 7, ski slopes.
Today comes a ray of light from the Minister of Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora. “I think it is possible, although with some limitations, reopen gyms, swimming pools and dance centers by the end of January. “Spadafora said this during the Raitre program Agora. The minister added that the trend of infections will have to be taken into account, “but the opening at the end of January is a achievable goal. I’d like to send a signal of calm. “
Regarding the limitations, it is discussed whether this is possible share new entrances and prohibits the use of changing rooms. For gyms, for example, one could consider limiting (which is possible for the little ones) access to a single client with an instructor.
A decision will also need to be made regarding shows, cinemas and theaters.
When sales start: the dates region by region
Everything will depend on epidemiological data (here the data from December 28). Hence the importance of individual responsibility when facing the end of the year. And in any case, the decision will approach the deadline.
Among other things, it should be noted that as of January 7, Italy will return to the normal division into the three zones (yellow, orange and red).
Here is the calendar of these holidays: from today until Epiphany
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