On Monday night, the leader of Italy Viva Matteo Renzi harshly criticized for the umpteenth time Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, of which the government of Italia Viva is a part, on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is the plan put in place to manage the Recovery Fund, the main instrument of the European Union to balance the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and which will consist of more than 200,000 million euros, which will arrive in the coming years in the form of loans and grants. The confrontation between Italia Viva and Conte on the issue has been going on for weeks, and has caused talk on several occasions of a government crisis, but Renzi’s press conference in the Senate tonight seems to represent a more concrete advance than the previous ones because submitted an alternative formal proposal. . Renzi said:
We think that this plan, the plan that the Prime Minister has drawn up, lacks ambition, it is a plan, as I wrote, without a soul. Let it be a shot in which it is clearly seen that there is no single hand writing, but rather a collage sometimes patched up of different pieces from different ministries. You can see the bureaucratic hand of those who put different pieces together, (…) if you want to be credible in Europe you must have a document that has its own ability to flow.
Renzi said then that Italia Viva’s proposal has the acronym “Ciao”, which means Culture, Infrastructure, Environment and Opportunity “, the red thread that unites them is the word work, because we believe that for each one of them create thousands of jobs. ”It consists of 61 points in which Italia Viva disagrees with the government plan, and will be presented on Wednesday to the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri by a delegation made up of the group leaders Davide Faraone and Maria Elena Boschi, and by the Ministers of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova and for the Elena Bonetti family.
Responding to a question, Renzi said that if an agreement is not reached “in a few weeks”, the current ministers of Italy Viva – Bellanova and Bonetti – will resign.
Renzi insisted that the Recovery Fund is “the largest and most relevant investment operation in our country”, but that “there is only one thing worse than not having this money, is spending it badly: because if you spend it, bad debt strangles you »He postponed for Wednesday a further study of the proposed changes to the government plan, but criticized, among other things, the prominence that the current document dedicates to the issue of justice, and the use of the” rhetoric of the Italian model: you cannot say “everything is fine if we have the worst death toll in Europe.”
In culture, Renzi would like to invest 9,000 million euros saved in health spending, which would instead be financed with the European Stability Mechanism (MES), that is, the EU instrument that provides countries with a line of Credit to finance health systems that many European political groups and governments do not want to use, however, arguing that it involves more risks than benefits. However, according to Renzi, the Recovery Fund loans have even more conditions than those of the ESM, so it is worth taking advantage of the 36 billion available.