“I waited until late to see if Giuseppe Conte I thought I was doing a tweet, a post, a tissue from Chigi, things that abound in everyday life, in defense of the minister Teresa Bellanova”. Ettore Rosato joined the prime minister with a straight leg due to controversy sparked by an editorial in Marco Travaglio that unleashed the Renzians, and beyond. The President of Italia Viva commented that the Daily occurrence It is a “newspaper to define close to the Prime Minister is a little bit”, and perhaps that explains Conte’s embarrassing silence, who did not consider it necessary to spend himself in defense of one of his ministers. “I do not know if Teresa is the best in the world like everyone else who sits in the Council of Ministers,” added Rosato with a quote from the prime minister: “I know that she is an honest person – he added – a worker, a serious woman with a great sense of status. And the Prime Minister’s silence embarrasses me, but it should embarrass him more.”.