Renzi: «The crisis is now economic Conte thinks about it or will do it without us»


Senator Matteo Renzi, in the Senate, launched a penultimatum?
It was an appeal. I asked Conte to decide. It is up to him, not us. During phase 1, that of fear, the Prime Minister reassured the Italians. Now we are out of an emergency. Intensive care, the indicator of the risk of hospital collapse, is 1,500 out of every ten thousand places available. So we must start again because each day of delay causes layoffs and bankruptcies. Restart safely, but start again. And I am terrified that there is a destruction of working women: children in the home are a problem for society, not just for mothers. Someone will have to say it. My call to Conte is simple: decide. If the Prime Minister chooses populism, he will do it without us. If you choose a serious policy, we will be there. It is up to him, not up to us to decide. “

Explain yourself better.
“If you say there is 400 billion liquidity for companies, then there really should be. Otherwise, the number of likes on Facebook increases, but the number of employees decreases. We unlock the firm patios, which cover more than a hundred billion: this is the priority, not the Dpcm that gives the police the verification of the commitments. We cannot become an ethical state where the Frequently Asked Questions on the Palazzo Chgi website explain who can meet and who cannot and become a normative source: it is a substantial question of democracy. We want to unlock construction sites, not verify self-certifications. We offer seriousness. But we want seriousness. Otherwise, they replace us: for Italia Viva, principles are worth more than armchairs. ”

The virus can return …
“Yes, probably in the fall. And in case we have to be better than we were at isolating the single outbreak in February. Not all of Italy. We have to be ready. But the fact that there is such a risk cannot make us lock in scared by the vaccine. We have to live with the virus. And we cannot be ruled by fear. “

But won’t Iv open up a crisis now?
“The crisis is already there, but it is economic, not political. There are two Italie. Whoever has a secure job, suffers the effects of quarantine, is worried, lives with pain. But go ahead, because at the end of the month he has a guaranteed salary Then there are millions of Italians, merchants, small businessmen, workers, VAT numbers, professionals who are desperate because they add fear of the virus to the anxiety of their salaries. Iv asks Conte to take care of them, not us. “

Phase 2 has a slow start: is the primacy of science over politics?
«We are paradoxical. For years, populists have attacked virologists, called “slaves of pressure groups.” Today, however, they are even being asked to fight unemployment or unlock infrastructure. The Superenalotto numbers will also ask Burioni shortly. I have always defended science. However, deciding when and how to start depends on the policy. All other countries reopen first. But, above all, they closed less than us. During final verification, we will try to understand where we went wrong. What is evident today is that each additional week of blockade costs us ten billion and thousands more unemployed. How can you not see that we are hitting an iceberg? ».

Have there been constitutional tears for you?
«This government was born in response to Salvini who wanted full powers. In order not to give them, we have even agreed to reach an agreement with the Five Stars. But it is unthinkable that we can grant full powers to another person just because he uses more educated ways. The Constitution is not a matter of good manners, and dangerous precedents for personal liberties are not created: I regard him as Professor Cassese and am struck by the silence of many constitutionalists. In the Senate I told the Prime Minister that we are no longer in the era of the 19th century constitutions, with the liberties granted by the sovereign. Enough of the incomprehensible Dpcm ».

They accused her of “exploiting” the dead in Bergamo. How do you defend yourself?
“There is no defense against prejudice. Invitation to listen to the speech: there is no exploitation as confirmed by the emails of so many relatives of the victims. I said that the people of Bergamo are people who work hard, who never give up, who deserve to be honored to leave. However, if anyone has been offended, I am sorry. Sandro Pertini after the Irpinia earthquake said that “the best way to honor the dead is to think of the living.” I am not Pertini, but I think exactly like that. So if we want to respect the thirty thousand dead, we make a real commission of inquiry and we understand who was wrong. Meanwhile, we work on the restart, together

May 2, 2020 (change May 2, 2020 | 10:32 pm)

