“The ministers are ready to resume the mandate, if necessary.” Matteo renzi has once again threatened the patrimony of the government chaired by Giuseppe Conte after the meeting with the prime minister was skipped. Officially, the reason lies in the absence of Teresa Bellanova, who was engaged in Brussels: the prime minister knew it, but played the role of what fell from the pear tree. According to Alberto Maggi, who cites qualified sources about Affaritaliani.it, Renzian’s two ministers are really willing to resign – something Conte must absolutely avoid, Otherwise, the opening of the government crisis would be inevitable. and it would probably sanction the end of the prime minister.
That still hasn’t given up Recovery Plan control room, but it would be crazy not to, at least lose his place in Palazzo Chigi, since this time Renzi has all the air of someone serious: after having gone so far, he can no longer repress himself under pain of political extinction. . According to Maggi, a reorganization with an additional ministry for Italia Viva (and therefore, in all probability, for Maria Elena Boschi) or a parliamentary passage from the prime minister to verify if it still has the trust of the two Chambers. If the crisis were to break out, it would be inevitable lightning consultations at the Quirinale with the president Sergio Mattarella that it would seek a new majority that would at least pass the budget law and initiate the Recovery Plan process. However, it is difficult to get there, easier for the prime minister to grant what the Renzians ask of him, that is, a collegiate and transparent management of the European billions.