Renzi and Recovery Fund: “Ready to overthrow the government if Conte doesn’t back down”


Rome, December 11, 2020 – “Ready to to overthrow the government in the Recovery Fund. “That for days Matteo renzi It is known that he had targeted Prime Minister Conte for the management of the Recovery Fund. Today, however, the broadside comes clearly in an interview that the leader of Italia Viva has made public to the Spanish newspaper El País.

The Covid newsletter of December 11

Europe bows to Orban

“If Conte wants full powers like Salvini, I say no.” Matteo Renzi al Pais reaffirms himself, but goes further and says that he is willing to overthrow the government if the Prime Minister does not back down in control room for the management of European funds. To the question “Are you ready to overthrow the government if Conte does not back down?”, Renzi responds without buts or buts: “Yes, because this is not a problem of places., which they also offered me. (…). The mechanism of the debate on institutional rules cannot be compensated with a small agreement ”.

And again: when asked about a possible deadline to resolve the crisis, Renzi said that “it is up to Conte, he must hold back, apologize and start over.”

Regarding full powers, when comparing Conte’s attitude with the request for “full powers” presented by Salvini at the time, Renzi stated that the difference between the two is that the leader of the Northern League had asked them “in a suit bathroom and with a mojito in hand“while the prime minister does it” in a suit and tie in an office. “

Renzi: “No to full powers for Conte”

Undoubtedly, an interview that further shakes the waters of Italian politics and increases the fibrillation in the majority that just two days ago overcame the parliamentary obstacle of the double vote in Riforma of the Month.

Conte: “Let’s go with the confidence of all the majority”

First Giuseppe Conte spoke this morning at a press conference after the conclusion of European council. On internal politics, he said: “I have full responsibility and awareness of this position, and I am fully aware that I will continue with the confidence of all the majority forces and all the forces as a whole.” Then: “As for what you journalists call fibrillations, we will discuss it with the individual political forces: we will try to understand these critical notations, these instances, what basis they have from all of them.”

The premier then mentioned the control room, the bone of contention with the Renzians: “We need one surveillance booth and a safeguard clause that allows you to intervene to ensure the execution of the project in case of delay, otherwise we will lose the money. We will try, with a extensive comparison, to introduce a useful and effective tool and to submit to political and democratic control “.

Pweer regarding the Recovery activation schedule, the prime minister predicts: “We do not expect a difficult path for national ratifications, it will take some time, it will be difficult for us to leave before February.”

Conte also hinted at the hypothesis that a “vaccination day“.

Bonafede: “Renzi, irresponsible attacks”

“ME’ irresponsible It attacks the government you belong to, also from a foreign newspaper, even threatening a crisis while the European Council is still going on and Italy is asserting its motives. This means deliberately undermining Italy internationally. Not only is it not acceptable, but it is a lack of respect towards all Italians. “Words from the head of the M5 delegation to the government, Anfonso Bonafedme.
