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“The ball is totally in the hands of Prime Minister Conte” and “if the majority that supports Conte understands that this is the time for a political resurgence, that is fine. If you think of continuing as has been done in recent months, Italia viva greets everyone and takes the hassle off ”. In an interview with Corriere della Sera, the leader of Italia viva Matteo Renzi confirms his position without taking a step back, calling for “a change of content”. And he says: “We are not the ones who chase the polls or the headlines, we do politics.” So Renzi dictates his agenda because “we care that Italy seizes the greatest opportunity in recent years: G20 presidency, COP26 co-presidency, European money” and because “we need a qualitative leap.”
On the fact that if there is a crisis, even Colle says that there is only a vote, Renzi objects: “El Colle is the Quirinal, not the Quirinalists. And in the Quirinale sits a president who knows the Constitution better than anyone. You know what to do in a crisis and what your job is in such a situation. I suggest not pulling him by the jacket. Our task, however, is to try to avoid the crisis ”. And on the rumors of reorganization, the former prime minister comments: “This history of the reorganization is unbearable” and “if we say that we want to discuss content, it is unacceptable for an institutional role to reiterate to everyone that the problem for Italy alive is that we want more seats “. “.
Then, on the merits of this position of Italia viva, Renzi affirms: “If I still know the parliamentary groups of the Pd, I tell them that they share the letter that we sent to Conte at 99%. Now it is up to the leadership of the Nazareno to decide whether to take it seriously or not. And about the 5 stars, Renzi says: “They are so afraid to go home that they cannot think of dictating the letters. If they want to remain in government, they must understand that they do not have an absolute majority. If, on the contrary, they think they can do it alone, well, they will do it without us.