
The emergency continues Coronavirus in Italy and in the world. In our country, the number of infections is decreasing compared to the previous days: according to yesterday’s bulletin, Monday, November 23, 22,930 cases were registered, of 148,945 smears performed, and 630 deaths, which brings the total to more than 50 thousand since health emergency start. There Lombardy continues to be the region with the highest increase in infections, followed by Veneto me Campania. Here is the detail region by region:
Lombardy: +5,289
Piedmont: +1,730
Campania: +2,158
Veneto: +2,540
Emilia Romagna: +2,347
Lazio: +2,331
Tuscany: +1,323
Sicily: +1,249
Liguria: +285
Apulia: +980
Walk: +161
Abruzzo: +640
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +377
Umbria: +105
PA Bolzano: +260
Sardinia: +505
PA Trento: +93
Calabria: +321
Aosta Valley: +77
Basilicata: +60
Molise: +91
Meanwhile, the government is working on the new one. Dpcm in view of the festivities of Christmas with more restrictive measures to avoid a third wave at the beginning of the new year. In addition to the knot linked to movement between regions, there is also that of the ski seasons, with the northern regions engaged in a tug of war with the executive to avoid the closure of slopes. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte therefore, it has announced provisions for the holidays not to “repeat the same mistakes as Mid-August, We cannot afford it: it is not possible to allow all the typical social occasions of the Christmas period. We cannot afford the snow vacation“, also promising the reopening of schools before December 25.
Worldwide, 59,168,889 cases have been reached: the United States remain in first place by number of new infections, a record also in Russia, while in Europe the running of the bulls are beginning to give their first effects, with a significant decrease in France me Britain. Good news in the vaccine: After Pfizer and Moderna, AstraZeneca also announced that its vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, is “effective and not inferior to the other two” and that the first doses could be distributed from December.
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